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Kaede's pov
As I slowly made my way over to the mysterious guy on the other side of the bar I tried to find Yoonseo. My eyes scanned the club, I looked over to the dance floor where I saw her dancing with a girl who looked like Haewon, her ex.

'Great, I'll have to take care of her again when they break up.' I thought with a loud sigh.


When I got closer I could smell the rich and strong whiskey scent coming from him. He looked like one of those typical business men who thought they were better than everyone else. Not my type, but someone who I could have fun with.

I sat down on the chair next to the mysterious man and tried not to be awkward.

"Um, hi..I'm Kaede" I started to introduce myself.

"I know. In fact, I know everything about you." He said with a calm but cold tone.

"Uh h-" I was confused to how he had gotten this information about me as I was a pretty private person. Well, as private as I could be when I work with social media.

"I was hired as a bodyguard to insure your safety. Your ex, Bang Chan, is involved with dangerous people who would do anything to make him fail. Some of his enemies are looking for you and they won't stop until they have found you. They know you're Chan's weakness, even if you aren't dating anymore he still loves you." He said in the exact same tone.

3rd persons pov

He had cut you off which you thought was rude first of all, and he could at least make his voice a little more interesting to listen to. You almost fell asleep. You weren't gonna let his words scare you even though it made you feel sick to your stomach. Chris had no right to still love you after what he did to you.

"Okay Mr. bodyguard-"

"Kim. Call me Mr. Kim."

"Mr. Kim listen here. I don't care what kind of people are after me. I left Chris because he cheated on me, if he still loves me then why would he do that hm? Exactly. Also, you have no right to dig into my personal information and invade my privacy, nor interfere with my life. Now I hope you have a nice night, goodnight Mr. Kim. And goodbye." You stood your ground because you were sick and tired of people trying to control what you do with your life.

When he didn't even try to answer you all you could do was to walk away. With no interest in seeing this man ever again, though you knew you probably would. You left with a big sigh and sloppy steps due to the alcohol in your system.


You made your way home with quick small steps to hurry and get away from the cold wind. Your house wasn't too far away so you got home pretty fast. Unlocking your door you immediately kicked off your shoes with little to no energy. All you wanted to do was to get some much needed sleep after your hectic day.


Kaede's pov

- Knock knock -

I awoke from someone banging on my front door early in the morning, too early. With a thumping headache I hurried over to my bedroom door to get the loud noise to stop but I turned around to check myself in the mirror.

'Oh god..'

I looked like I had been in a war and barely making it out alive, and to be completely honest, that's what I felt like too.

- Knock knock -


I put on a different pair of pants and brushed my hair before putting it up in a messy bun. That'll have to do.


Opening the door I saw the same man from yesterday only this time he was accompanied by another man, who was wearing the same suit.

"Hi..?" I said with suspicion in my voice.

What were they doing here? I thought I was clear that I didn't care who was after me yesterday.

"Hello miss Lim, how are you today?" The new man said with the same boring, cold voice.

Sigh. They need to work on their talking skills.

"I'm good.. I'm sorry but why are you here?" I asked after I finally registered that there were two complete strangers outside my house that clearly wanted something from me, or me.

"We are here to bring you to Bang Chan. He asked for you" Mr. Kim said.

I'm sorry, what!? No chance in hell that I would see that man for anything other than business. It's been a month since we broke up and he never tried to reach out until now. And he was doing so by sending two strange men to my house? Wtf!?

"Uhh..no. I'm good thank you." I tried to sound though but my voice came out quieter than I wanted it to. Damn it.

"I'm afraid you have no choice. The decision has already been made." Mr. Kim continued.

"You can't just force me." Okay now I was getting mad. They can't just expect me to go with them.

"This will be a lot easier if you cooperated miss-" The other man started.

There was no way I was gonna go with them that easily. They were fools if they thought I would.

"Can I just have a moment? This is a lot to take in and I need a second." I cut him off. This was all too much.

The new man glanced at Mr. Kim who just nodded a quick nod.

"Of course miss. Come out when you're ready. We'll be here waiting." He then said.

I sent them a fake smile and closed the door in their faces.

What a bunch of weirdos.

(962 words)


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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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