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The days of waiting started passing one by one. As soon as dawn broke, our eyes went to the calendar. My house was adjacent to Vikram's house. Before going to school and after coming back from school, we both would sit together and discuss our plans in such a way that no one would hear. We wanted to keep the secret of purchasing our tickets. How surprised people will be when this mystery takes the form of truth! We did not want to miss the dramatic joy of that scene.
One day the topic of marriage came up in our conversation. Vikram said with philosophical seriousness - Brother, I do not want to get into the trouble of marriage. Unnecessary worries and woes. A lot of money will be wasted just in the wife's dancing.
I protested, yes, that's right; But until there is no companion for the joys and sorrows of life; What is the joy of life? I am not that detached from married life. Yes; I want a partner who will stay with me till the end and such a partner cannot be other than my wife.
Vikram said more frivolously than necessary - Well, each has his own point of view. Congratulations to you for your wife and for following her like dogs and considering your children to be the greatest blessings of the world and the greatest mercy of God.
This man will be stay free , fly as he pleases and come home whenever he wants. not like that there should be a watchman over your head all the time. There was a slight delay in coming home and I was immediately asked to answer ----- where were you till now? You go out somewhere and immediately the question arises, where are you going? And if unfortunately your wife also joins you, then there is no option left for you except drowning. No brother, I don't sympathize with you at all. The child caught slight cold and you are running wildly to the homeopathic doctor. As the age passed, the boys started wishing when you would leave and they would blow the flowers. If they got a chance, they poisoned you and made it famous that you had cholera. I don't want to fall into this trap.

Kunti has come. She was Vikram's younger sister, about eleven years old. She used to study in sixth class and failed regularly. Big naughty, big perk. she opened the door with such a bang that both of us stood up in shock. Vikram said angrily - Kunti, you are a big devil, who called you here?
Kunti, looking around the room like the secret police, said - What do you guys talk about while always sitting here with the door closed? Whenever see, you are sitting right here. Neither do you go anywhere to roam, nor to see any show; you must be using some magical spell. Holding her neck, Vikram shook her and said - Yes, we are awakening a mantra in which you will get such a groom, who will whipped you five thousand times every day. Kunti sat on his back and said - I will marry a groom who will stand in front of me and keep wagging his tail. I will throw two pieces of sweets and he will lick them. If he chirps even a little, I will heat his ears. If maa gets the lottery money, then give me fifty thousand. That's it, I will rest. I pray to God for maa both the times. maa says, the prayers of unmarried girls never fail. My mind says that maa will definitely get the money.
I remembered, once I had gone to my maternal village, there was a drought. The month of September had arrived; But not a drop of water. Everyone had made a donation and had a feast for all the unmarried girls of the village and on the very third day it rained heavily. Certainly the prayers of virgins have an effect.
I looked at Vikram with meaningful eyes, Vikram looked at me. We consulted with our eyes and also took a decision. Vikram said to Kunti- Okay, let me tell you something, will you tell it to anyone? No, you are a very good girl, you will not tell anyone. This time I will teach you a lot and make you pass. The thing is that both of us have also taken lottery tickets. Please pray to God for us also. If we get money, we will make nice jewelry for you. Truth. Kunti could not believe it. We took oath. She started throwing tantrums. When we promised to cover her with gold and diamonds from head to toe, she agreed to pray for us. But her stomach could digest many sweets; Couldn't digest that little thing. She ran straight inside and in a moment the news spread throughout the house. Now whoever you see is scolding Vikram, be it mother, uncle or even father, just out of good wishes for Vikram or out of some other emotion, who knows - while sitting there you only feel foolish. Took the money and threw it in the water. So many people in the house had already taken tickets, what was the need for you to take one? Don't you get some of that? And you too, Master Saheb, are a complete snail. What good things will you teach the boy, you will ruin him further. Vikram was a beloved son. What else can they say him? If he get upset and don't eat food for a month or two, it will be a disaster. All the anger came down on me. The boy spoils in his company. The saying ' It's easier to preach than really act' was in front of my eyes.I remembered an incident from my childhood. It was Holi day. A bottle of wine was ordered. My maternal uncle had come those days. I secretly went into the room, poured a sip of wine into the glass and drank it. My throat was still burning and my eyes were red, when uncle came into the room and arrested me as if in a burglary and got so upset - so upset that my heart dried up and turned into a date. Mother also scolded me, father also scolded me, I had to calm their anger with tears; And in the afternoon itself, Uncle started singing madly under the influence of alcohol, then cried, then abused maa, even after grandfather's refusal, he ran to beat her and finally, after vomiting, he was seen lying unconscious on the ground.

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