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A few hours had passed and Sky was gripping the handles on the top of the Midgar train. In her opinion, this sucked, but that was pretty much the only way that her and Cloud can go unnoticed. Besides, she would highly doubt people wouldn’t question the fact that Cloud carried his massive buster sword on his back and Sky had her long swords that she called dual blades. Cloud occasionally looked back at her to make sure she was still there, since he knew she got motion sickness very easily. Every time Cloud would look back, Sky gave him a reassuring thumbs up meaning that she was okay.

Midgar’s upper plates were amazing compared to the Slums. Where there was dirt and dust where grass used to grow in the Slums, there was metal and bricks, concrete, and other substances that acted as the ground. The Midgar train will take them and Avalanche to their destination, which is Mako Reactor 1. Then, their plan will actually begin by infiltrating the Reactor and planting a bomb in the center. Cloud and Sky’s jobs were simple, deal with any threat and Sky will navigate them through the Reactor. 

The train came to a halt at the Station. Mako Reactor 1 wasn't very far away and the group could easily make their way there. Two guards were checking the train, and Sky looked over the edge of the train just in time to witness Biggs and Jessie take them out easily. Sky was impressed by their stealth to say the least. Next to emerge from the train was Wedge and the man with a gun for an arm, followed by Kade. The man with a gun for an arm waved Cloud and Sky down from the train while looking up at the two. “Get down here, mercs.” 

Sky glanced over at Cloud and nodded for him to go first. Cloud nodded in agreement and flipped off the train,

 buster sword in hand — and landed perfectly on his feet before showing off a little and attaching his buster sword onto his back. Sky rolled her eyes and mumbled something to herself before she jumped down to join him, but didn’t land on her feet. Instead, it was more like she landed on her knees instead of how she wanted to land, which was on her feet as well. Cloud smirked as he offered his hand, “You alright there?”

“Oh, ha ha ha ha ha!” Sky sarcastically laughed as she grabbed Cloud’s hand, allowing him to lift her up. She brushed some dirt off of her skirt and turned her attention to the entrance to the station where two officers were running at them, their guns raised at the blonde twins. 

“You’re up.” The man with a gun for an arm said as he and the rest of Avalanche slipped past the officers and into the station.

Sky and Cloud drew their swords, ready for a fight. “You take the left, I’ll take the right.” Cloud told the blonde woman.

“Gotcha!” Sky replied.

The officers kept their guns raised and said nothing. Sky jumped forward, slashing one of the officers with a heavy blow, immediately killing him. Cloud followed suit and dealt with the other officer. Sky looked over at Cloud as he sheathed his buster sword and gave her brother a cocky smile. “Ha! That was too easy!”

“Yeah, well don’t get too cocky… Last thing we need is you biting off more than you can chew and getting into trouble,” Cloud replied, his expression was stern and serious.

“You’re no fun!”

Cloud let out an exasperated sigh as he turned and walked off towards the station’s entrance.

“H-hey! Wait up!” Sky yelled after her brother. She ran after him, not even bothering to quiet down the noise her boots were making as they clobbered against the floor. The blonde woman skidded to a halt, almost running straight into Cloud’s back.

“Dude! You can’t just stop in the middle of the way!” 

“Be quiet! You’re making too much noise,” Cloud hissed. Sky snapped her mouth shut and glowered at her brother. She glanced over and spotted the rest of Avalanche. Biggs and Jessie were working on hacking the door open while Wedge, Kade and the man with a gun for an arm were minding their own business. It seemed like the man was in deep thought about something, but that wasn’t Sky’s problem to worry about. Instead, she walked forward towards Jessie and Biggs, who were in the middle of a conversation.

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