56~ A Painful Love Making

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You won't be completing the target so I was too happy😭

Decided to drop an update so You know I am taking a break from this story😶

I think it's getting boring and I don't have much time to entertain boring things.

I am personally too tensed, my life is hanged brutally but I do update, smile just to stay away from depression.

But you never know what's going on behind that smiling facade.

No story ever hurt me the way this story is doing due to responses so maybe, I need time to rethink.

I am just soft nut who gets cracked with one comment like 'please don't do this I am a regular reader' and that's why even after numerous notes I update.

I update but nothing affects you so why shall I waste my time on the....leave it I won't be reapeating it.

I think I myself degrade my work more than any reader would have ever done. 

🔞🔞The chapter is about traumatic sexual and mental torture.

Kindly!!! if you can't handle leave it in half way from where it would start.

If you liked do vote and leave a review.

You won't still I am enough shameless to ask for🥲

Adhisha's POV

"Is he here?"

She trembled of course she knew what could happen to her, nothing was hidden from the servants working here.

Though I never spent more than seven days with the same servant, he made sure of it after those last two incidents but that fear of letting someone get killed because of me haunts me.

He killed so many people in front of my eyes and he won't hesitate to slaughter more.

I know I am in India and After seeing Kaustubh in that restaurant I am sure.

How silly I was to think Kaustubh Trivedi would help me? What if he already knows what his elder brother is doing with me?

"But he loved me? Didn't he? So did.....I.

I know I am ruined to get loved by any man now but still, the love I had for him didn't die, it is just buried in my chest and is long forgotten in the dark valley of his elder brother's sins.

Maybe he hates me so much now, that he won't even want to see me now.

Not he will look at me after all I am used, shattered and broken by his very own brother.

I sighed leaning on the headboard of the bed and stared at the grey ceiling.

Kalp didn't change country till now as I didn't get blindfolded so I still have chances but fear is killing me.

Why he hadn't?

He has a habit of changing countries in under a month but he didn't, what does that mean?

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