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          A week or so later, the four were stepping onto the platform at King's Cross Station.

          Ron was still whining and limping, even though his foot had already been taken out of the cast. Hermione sported several cuts along her cheeks and lips, while Draco's face was flawless as ever, only a few bruises on his body left from their encounter with the Whomping Willow. It seemed that whichever wizarding skincare products he'd been keeping in the Slytherin dorms must have been working pretty well.

          As for Harry, a faded bruise resided on his forehead, which he didn't really mind—except that anytime he hit his head on something, it felt ten times worse. He couldn't believe that Voldemort hadn't found the time this year to try and kill him at least once—he felt mockingly betrayed. Had he found another teenage boy to chase after?

          In the meanwhile, Sirius and Buckbeak had been sent off to some secluded unknown location within the Scottish countryside, which meant that, though he had to lie low, Harry could still send letters to his godfather if he so pleased. That is, if the Dursleys allowed him to open his bedroom window for five seconds.

          "Cheer up, Harry," said Hermione. He looked up to meet her reassuring gaze. It was just the three of them in the compartment, as Draco had gone off to sit somewhere else with Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, and Zabini. He had appearances to keep up, after all, but Harry couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed of being robbed of the last few moments with his friend before his magic-less summer began once again.

          "Oi!" said Ron as he clutched his brand-new owl, Pigwidgeon. Although able to fit in the hand of a small child, the owl possessed a violent ferocity that made itself known to anyone who attempted to stroke his fluffy feathers. "It's the Quidditch World Cup this summer! How about it, Harry? Come and stay, and we'll go and see it! Dad can usually get tickets from work."

          Harry frowned hesitantly. "I dunno Ron... after what I did to Aunt Marge..."

          The trio chatted and laughed for the rest of the train ride, savouring their last hours before they would have to part ways for the all-too-lengthy summer months.

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