14| keefe

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Keefe sighed, sinking deeper into his bed. He could still feel a very faint zinging in his veins, most likely remnants from the melder blast. He couldn't decide if that was good news or bad news. On one hand, he'd saved Sophie from having the same scary feeling. But on the other... he was still affected from a melder blast that had happened over twenty-four hours ago.

He'd gone to sleep the night before too late, too busy trying to sort through his memories of the ambush. He knew hindsight was an awful, awful thing—especially in a situation as fraught as this. But he couldn't help it.

Could he have protected Biana from having to jump onto his mom?

Could he have stopped his mom from hitting Sophie with the throwing star?

Could he have stopped Gethen from pulling the trigger on the melder?

He could have gone on all day, with intrusive thoughts and guilt. But he was interrupted by loud, obnoxious knocking from another part of the house.

Loud stomping followed, and then his door swung open to reveal Ro—who looked fully recovered—with excitement written all over her face. She strolled inside, with Elwin shuffling in behind her.

"Hey, Funkyhair. I just have to start with: what you did to help our little Miss F. was so cute!" she cheered. "And yeah, I know, melder blasts are bad, blah blah blah. But you saved her! And not only was that an amazing step in the right direction—finally—I swear I saw Wonderboy get pouty when Miss Sparkles told him!"

"I didn't do that so she would like me," Keefe whisper-hissed. He had no idea how big Elwin's house was, and Sophie was likely in a room nearby and could hear everything they were saying. "I did it to protect her!"

Ro grinned. "Even better!" she practically shouted. "Blondie will be so impressed by her little knight in shining armor, our very own Lord Hunkyhair!"

On the contrary, Keefe was sure he would have to deal with some serious yelling from Sophie.

"Hey hey hey, don't go all sulky boy on me now. You're one step closer to a life of love! Don't you know how amazing that is?"

"Is it as amazing as you and Bo?" Keefe smirked. "Was the life of love amazing? Tell me, Ro, tell me about how experienced you are abouta life of love."

Ro's grin fell, and she unsheathed a dagger and pointed it at him. "Okay, you're lucky on this one, scrawny boy, but I swear, if Doctor Happyclothes wasn't here, you would be dead right now."

"Mmmhmmm," Keefe taunted. "Was Cadfael a better boyfriend, then?"

Ro looked ready to explode.

"Nuh-uh!" Elwin intervened, positioning himself between Keefe and Ro. "You can kill each other when Keefe is out of bed and out of my house. Right now, my house is way too shatterable to play host to your fighting!"

Ro crinkled her nose. "We'll see what the bacteria say about that tonight."

Elwin sighed. "Are you staying here now too?"

"Uh, yeah. Hunkyhair is my charge, buddy, and I'm not going anywhere. I'm betting Gigantor's here. Why would you allow him here and not me?"

"Actually, Sandor hasn't come," Elwin said. "At least not yet. He was pretty mad. Said something about a crystal."

"Oh, right—the Neverseen planted a crystal at Havenfield," Keefe said, his hand curling to a fist under the covers.

"I heard Lord Snobbypants say to his little talky thing that they're removing it today," Ro added.

"So no one has used it, right?" Keefe asked.

"I don't think so."

Keefe blew out a breath.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you- I've done everything I can for the melder blast, so you should be able to move around later today."

"So that means I can see Sophie?"


A/N- hey everyone! thank u sm for almost 750 reads, and over 130 comments!! and lots of votes too! so how abt u increase that number XD

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