31. What's Wrong, What's Right

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Izuku walked through the empty forest, the organic matter around him burned and turned to ash or charcoal

The intense heat caused animals to flee and hide from him, he looked around before spotting a pond close by

He walked over with interest and took a dip in, steam raised as he entered, he started to talk to himself... Or their selves

Izuku:"this has been the worst time!, first I discovered that Blue Diamond and her Pearl weren't the bad guys, and that yellow was planning to use me to conquer the rest of the gems, and then I discovered that pink was still alive and lied to me and Garnet!" He shouted but suddenly small whispers are heard throughout the area

"It's not their fault... It's her's for lying to us, and making us fight a pointless world... For what? Hmm?, because of the organic life on here seems reasonable but there were so many ways to go at this!, talking to her comrades and discussing such would have worked" he nodded along

Izuku:"you know what?, you're the only one that understands my thinking, you're like my other side... Like a sibling" a small giggle is heard before fading away "I need to fix this trouble I've caused"
he ran to the closest warp pad

He appeared on the warp pad inside of the house, he looked around the house but found no one, he returned to the warp, and warped through all the possible areas that Ruby and Sapphire could be before giving up

He reappears inside of the house with a look of defeat before walking outside

He sat under the solar raise, the warmth fills this body and what's left of his soul, such worry he feels but knowing that he can fix it causes him to relax slightly

Suddenly there were slight footsteps approaching him, he turned slightly to look who it was

It was Blue pearl who sat next to him, there were no words exchanged nor movements to interrupt the moment, she took small glances at him
A sudden shouting was heard behind them before he was knocked onto the floor by four small beings

Rosa:"Dad!, Your back!" The purple small gem shouted out of relief

Eri:"Papa was gone for almost a month!, what happened?!" She asked with worry and the other two gems on him hugged him with such force that could crash a small car

Sapphire:"we were worried about you!, you stormed off!" They released him from the trap they call a hug "are you... Feeling better?" She asked nervously, he looked over to them before picking everyone up from the ground

Izuku:"I didn't mean to leave, I was just so angry and furious but that's not the point, the point is that we're back together and that's what matters!" He kissed his lover's "we still need to marry remember?" They nodded excited

Sapphire:"there haven't been many issues lately, so most likely our marriage can be next week or shorter then that!" She smiled before Ruby and Sapphire fused

Suddenly Steven ran at them with worry
Steven:"hey!, have you seen a small Blue gem that took Connie and is looking for her dad!" He looked at them before realizing the embarrassing position there in "ummm am I interrupting something?..." They shake there heads

They all looked at him weirdly before realizing what he had said

Izuku:"wait a minute, what did you mean with blue gem?" The confusion plastered on his face
Steven came back

Steven:"I meant the blue gem asking for her dad and she took Connie!" Izuku looked on with worry
Izuku:"but gems don't have parents" he grabbed his chin confused, pearl looked on with confusion and blue pearl realized who they were talking about

Garnet:"we need to get to them before someone gets hurt" she ran in the direction of Funland "there at Funland, we need to save them!" They ran after her, everyone except Blue Pearl, she stayed behind to contact Blue Diamond of her findings

When they got there a big yellow gem carried the kidnapped people with a small blue fairy looking gem with a wand

Aquamarine:"we don't have time for these pointless gems!, we need to find my dad" she looked over to the catured people

The topaz fusion walked over to them before aquamarine stopped her

Aquamarine:"this guy looks to know all the people on our list, the list was given by a Steven after all,topaz please refresh memory, of course my memories perfect but did yellow say she needed the humans alive?" The crystal gems looked at them with fear "do unless you want a mess, you tell me where my dad is" she looked at them with a cruel look

Steven looked at them with guilt after remembering the first time he met Peridot
Steven:"ok!, alright, I am my dad" he said looking to the ground, the others looked at him with worry

Izuku:"do you know what your doing?!" He was about to scold him but he was thrown away by aquamarine

Aquamarine:"is it convenient that the person that gave us the list is also the last person on our list?" She looked at him with suspicion before continuing "but that doesn't matter, what matters is we got everyone!" Topaz took Steven intot the ship

Izuku crashed into the wooden floor and into the water cartoon style
Izuku:"I'm going to feel that tomorrow... Ow" they ignored his slight whines and fused to grab the ship

Steven's friends escaped but Steven stayed to protect them

Izuku:"... Welp shit"

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