✩ Chapter 12 ✩

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Kyle broflovski was the vampire”

Third person POV:

Stan lays in bed with Kyle on top of him, the bed sheets over their bodies. They been awake for quite a while now and been fooling around with each other. (Not like that..)

At the moment they are cuddling, Stan holds Kyle close to his chest while playing with his ginger curls. Kyle lays down on his chest while playing with his free hand.

“I'm glad I'm with you, Kyle.” Stan said.
Kyle nods in agreement before looking up at him and opened his mouth to say something but hesitated before closing it again.

Stan pulls Kyle closer and kisses his lips. Kyle kisses back. The kiss didn't last long, but it was still a nice soft one.

They pull apart and Kyle chuckles before he buries his face into the crook of Stan's neck. “kyle?” Stan started. “hm?”

“how did you survive in the forest for that long? Without anyone's blood, without anything?” Kyle looks at him and sighs, before smiling.

“I have something to confess. I should have told you this but I thought it wasn't important. I didn't survive all on my own. There was a guy, with a dragon mask and he would always wear something dark. When I was a kid I passed out in his house, he wore that mask so I didn't know who he was, but he gave me some of his blood, and when I lived in the forest he would come to visit every day, give me his blood in a bottle, and some things I needed to live. He provided me everything. But one day he told me that people were starting to catch up on him, and that he could no longer serve me. I was sad and started crying, he gave me a big hug and ruffled my hair, then he said that hopefully one day he can meet me again, but that day never came. I wasn't sad or upset because I knew it wasn't his fault. All I wished is that I knew who he was, what he looked like. But I still don't know to this day, and if I ever find out I will thank him for everything he has done for me.” Kyle explained with a calm expression. Stan was in shocked.

“oh wow.. What about your parents? I never heard you talk about them.” Stan asked.

“that's because I never got to know them, I only remember waking up hungry and killing people for my own good, I don't remember much of them all I do is that they have passed away.” Kyle said with a slight frown.

“oh.. I'm sorry dear”

“it's fine” Kyle yawns before closing his eyes once more and falling back asleep on Stan. Stan sighs and plays with his hair.


Randy's POV:

I sit on the edge of his bed, my wife still fast asleep. I bites his nails nervously.

what the flip am I going to do about this? My own son, Stanley Marsh is dating the vampire, Kyle broflovski.

why am I empathizing “the” you may ask? (Story time!!

Well when I first had Stan, the town found out that a vampire was on the lose, killing people for their own good. I personally didn't really care about it as long as he didn't hurt me or my family. Which he didn't. I remember one night, the kid sneaked into my house, hungry. I felt bad because yeah sure he is a vampire and is killing people but so far all the people he killed was people I hate. So I liked him. But he still had feelings, he still had a life. He was only killing bastards for his own good, or else he would die. It's not like he had a choice. Back to the story, he came into my house hungry, his body was skinny and limb. I immediately rushed to him to picked him up and placed him on my couch, he passed out so he didn't know who I was, and I needed to keep it that way, I quickly walk up to my room and grab a dragon mask and a black hoodie, I put it on before walking to the kitchen and cutting my arm and putting the blood in a bottle. I then wake up the kid. He looked at me confused and with fear, I then hand him the bottle, not saying a word. He looks at it then at me before grabbing it and drinking half of it immediately. I sigh and chuckle before ruffling his hair.

The next day everyone came to me and started asking me what should we do with the “monster” I get pissed at the term but I couldn't show it.
“we could always burn him alive, just like we did with his parents!!” someone suggested. I slammed my hands on the table and shout "No!” they all look at me in confusion. I sigh in disappointment. “For gods sake he is a child! Out of anything we could scare him to the forest and make him starve himself out of fear!”  I shout. Everyone was silent. I chuckled nervously. Before all of them went wild, saying it was such a good idea. I sigh in disappointment but fake a smile. I already got a plan.

That night everyone lit up torches and raged “gamble Gamble GAMBLE!!” I sighed and looked in the crowd, Sharon was with them. Of course she is. She is never on my side. I light up my own torch and make sure Stan was asleep. Right after we all went on a hunt to find the vampire. After an hour or two I found him, I quickly put on the mask and told him what was happening and to trust me and do whatever someone says, he nodded. I then grab his arm gently and yelled out that I found him,After people came and surrounded him I took the mask off while he wasnt looking. After we scared him into the woods and I shouted “Never return!” but people followed along with “monster!” once I saw the tears in the kids eyes I felt my heart break a bit, poor kid. He doesn't even have parents to look after him, he has no one. That night I layed in bed and waited for everyone to fall asleep, I made sure of it. After I take some of my blood again and sneaked out with my dragon mask and hoodie on. I met him in the forest and he ran to me, crying and hugging me tight. I return the hug and ruffle his hair. I told him that everything was going to be okay, and that I'll come and check up on him every day. And so that's what I did, I gave him blood from either me or I stole some from a hospital I know that it's bad to do that but it's also bad to let someone die in the woods. I gave him clothes, a shelter and much more. I even stole a phone for him but told him not to tell anyone. I kept this up till people started to catch on asking me all type of questions about where have I been and shit. I made up excuses but I knew that if I ever went again, my head would be on a stick.

That night, I went to the forest to deliver one more thing, a birthday cake because his birthday was going to be tomorrow. I song him happy birthday and gave him a gift as well, a Ushanka hat I told him to keep it as a reminder of me. Then I broke the news to him, he cried and didn't let me go. I swear I was going to join in but i couldn't I'm a adult for crying out loud.
I ruffle his hair one last time, and put the hat on him. Before I left I asked for his name. “Kyle... Kyle broflovski is my name..” he mumbled. I remembered it and wrote it down in a very old book. I told him that maybe one day, I'll be back. But that day never came.

(Story time is over 🙈)

I lay down on my bed. How could I have been so stupid? His name is Kyle and he was wearing the Ushanka hat!

I should have known the moment he walked through the door. That it was him.

Word count: 1427!!

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