Chaper One :)

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Chapter 1

Jade’s POV

At the moment I am packing my bags. I am psyched to be staying with my cousin, it has been so long sense I have seen him. I have just finished packing all of my shirts and pants and need a break. As I walk downstairs to the kitchen I was interrupted by my mom, “Are you happy to finally be getting out of the country?” she asked.

“I am beyond happy, you know how I have always wanted to visit England.” I replied. Yeah so I have never went to visit any family in England, they always came here to California which is another reason why I’m insanely happy at the moment, I have always wanted to visit, especially the London eye. I have travelled the states with my mom for summer vacations, we have been to New York, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, and Oklahoma but never left the country sadly. This was my first and I couldn’t wait to leave.

“I know honey, I am going to miss you a lot you know.” My mom said. “I am so glad you’re going and getting away from all this trouble, how was your last day of school?” she added.

“Terrible as always, mom I don’t get it, what the hell did I ever do to deserve so much hate and bull shit from everyone? It’s getting out of hand.” I say while making a cup of tea. 

“I know love, but at least here soon you will be on your way to London, leaving all of them behind, you will be with your cousin doing what you want and maybe things will change when you get there and you won’t have to deal with crazy exes and being bullied every day.” Mom replied getting up to go upstairs.

“I hope…” I mumbled under my breath.

“So what all do you have packed?” My mom yelled from her room. “Almost done, all I have left is a few more clothes and all the stuff in my bathroom” I yelled back. After I am done drinking my tea I get and wash my cup and then go to my room to finish packing. Once I get up in my room I turn my stereo on and blast Katy Perry while I finish up. When I am completely finished packing I go down to the living room and lay down on the couch and watch Vampire Diaries marathon until I fall asleep.

I wake up to my alarm clock on my phone blaring Chris Brown’s song ‘Don’t Judge Me’ in my ear. I stretch and look at my phone, 4:00 a.m. I get up to get some breakfast, I know mom won’t be up for quite a while so I just make enough for me. As I am making scrambled eggs with some sausage patties my phone starts ringing “who is up this early?” I ask myself. I walk to my phone and answer it “Hello?” I said as I walk back and continue cooking my food. I hear nothing on the other end so I say “Hello?” again, still nothing. I hang up and take my food off of the oven and make myself a plate and grab some orange juice out of the fridge to pour me some. Once again my phone goes off, this time I ignore it and sit down to eat.

Five minutes later there is a knock at my door, I go to answer it but I don’t see anyone, all I see are flowers and a note that read “So you think you can get away from me by moving to another country and staying with your faggot cousin and his friends aye? Think again Beautiful!” After that I was really scared, I knew exactly who it came from. Josh! You see Josh is my ex-boyfriend, I met him when I was 15 and he was 17. We were together for three months and after he turned 18 he felt he had complete control over me. Whenever I was with him and did something he disagreed with he would torment me, he hit me, cut me with a knife, tried to kill me, and so many more things. He hated that I left him and he is the main reason I am bullied every day. After I broke up with him he told everyone we had sex and that I was pregnant, I am now the whore and a murder because I supposedly got an abortion. All Josh did was fill everyone’s head with lies every single day to put my life through hell. It gives him so much satisfaction that it’s sickening. Anyway I will tell you more as my story goes on.

It is now 5:00 in the morning so I head up stairs to get in the shower. I grab my towel and clothes that I left out and jump into the shower. Once I am done I dry my hair and get dressed, I check the time and it is 5:30. I head down with all my luggage and see my mom awake, “Good Morning honey, you ready to go?”

I nod and ask “Are you driving me?” She simply says yes and we walk out of the door. On our way to the airport my mom goes crazy, telling me to “Be careful” and “Stay Safe” and “Make sure you stay with Liam no matter what” things like that. Finally, within five minutes we are at the airport, yeah we live right by the airport, my mom works there sometimes as a side job. Once I give the lady at the desk my ticket I say goodbye to my mom, we stand there for about 5 minutes almost in tears, I am really going to miss her. When we're done and hear that it was time to board the plane I let go of my mom and say goodbye one last time and head off to the plane.

I am now boarded and sitting down, “thank god I got the window seat” I think to myself. An older couple got the 2 seats next to me, I happily greeted them and then turned on my iPod, put my headphones in, and laid my head on the window “This will be a long trip” I think. Now it is time to take off, I can’t wait to get to be in England and just spend some great family time with Liam.


Just a reminder this is a fan fiction, so non of what happens is real, it is just stuff that can happen in an everyday life. I have absolutely nothing against any one who is gay, lesbian, transgendered, or nothing. They are normal human beings like the rest of us, so please do not take faggot to heart. It is just Josh's character. Thank you to everyone who reads this. I really hope you like it. Please leave comments and give me feedback on what you think about the story so far. It really helps me out. (: Thank you everyone, have a nice day :D

Love, Alyssa  

Saved And Loved By Niall Horan (A One Direction Fan Fiction) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now