Lexi gives me a headache

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Jacob supposed he needed to get used to this

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Jacob supposed he needed to get used to this. Just like Lexi said. Although he felt like his emotions and feelings were all tangled up into this huge knot that couldn't be unraveled. There was that part of him- the part tied to his crush on Bella. The one that wanted to bombard the Cullens with questions until he seen for himself that Bella had come home safely. Then there was the part that Lexi owned since they were young. The one that almost ran over to the Cullens house to bring Lexi back to Billy's house. The one that reveled in the longer hugs and just looking beside himself to see Lexi always there.

Needless to say Jacob hadn't gotten any sleep since his last phone call with Lexi. Billy had tried to tell him he was being silly, Lexi would come home sooner than he thought, but Jacob couldn't keep the worry out of his mind. Jacob wasn't just worrying for one sister, he was worrying for both.

As soon as the phone call ended, Jacob called Paul. He needed to know exactly what was happening between him and Lexi. Maybe if he did, maybe his thoughts wouldn't feel quite so jumbled up.

"Jake, what's up? Is Lexi okay?"

The concern and pure admiration that sounded in Paul's voice made Jacob feel guilty for having feelings for Lexi at all, but he pushed on. He needed to figure out what he felt.

"Lexi's okay. It's Bella that everyone's worried about. Apparently she got into some vampire danger." Jacob replied knowing Paul would understand.

Recently Paul had shifted into a wolf, like many of their ancestors had before them. It had been triggered when he saw Lexi in danger on her birthday what felt like forever ago. That's why Paul was barely around. He was chasing vampires for Sam Uley, the pack leader, and it wasn't like he could disobey either. Sam was the alpha. Paul had to follow suit. While most of the wolves didn't mind Lexi being around, Sam was one of the few that did and he made it quite clear that he wanted Lexi and Paul broken up.

"Bella's always getting into trouble. So if Lexi's fine why'd you call? You know I can't get away from the pack.." Paul said, a little annoyed. Jake lightly nodded to himself. He would be annoyed too if he was constantly being told what he could and could not do. The pack was Paul's life now.

"I wanted to ask you if you still planned on trying to bypass ya know .... the rule ?" Jake asked voice low. However Paul could hear just fine with wolf hearing so it didn't matter how loud Jacob was.

"I kept looking through books Billy gave me but there's no luck of it. Sam won't have it. Since I haven't imprinted on Lexi there's nothing I can do." He sounded heartbroken and angry. "I haven't had the chance to talk to Lexi yet. Will you tell her I need to come over whenever she gets back home? I don't know what'll happen next just that I can't let her go so easily. Listen Jake I got to go before Sam gets back. Thanks for checking on me and listening. Means a lot."

He hung up before Jacob could reply. The guilt crashed and roared in his stomach. Jacob didn't have much time to reflect on it when he sensed Lexi walking out of the woods. Even though she still wore dreadful sweats and her hair had lost its waves, she still looked really pretty under the moonlight. Before he could even register his actions, Jake had her in a tight hug lifting her off the ground. It surprised him that her skin felt so soft, that he could swear her cheeks held a slight blush to them. The way her perfume clung to her skin and the air around her. Even her crimson colored eyes didn't look as red as they usually did. They had a sparkle of her old brown. Lexi hugged him back just as tightly, starting to run her fingers through his hair. He smiled with his head over her shoulder, watching the trees in the distance. Her touch was warm and gentle. Soon she would pull away though. She'd tell him the news about Bella and everything else, Jacob stifled a few yawns as he listened.

He managed to get her to come inside at long last so he could finally get some shut eye. Feeling the bed underneath him, his eyes closed soon after.

"Your names Bella?" The young Jacob asked with a grin at a young Bella. "Dad said if I called you by your full name you'd get mad."

"Thank you for noticing. Everyone else is like a broken reco-"

"Hi..." called a soft voice peeking out from behind Charlie's police cruiser. There was another little girl. She looked just like Bella, only younger. She was Jake's age and she kept disappearing and reappearing, watching carefully.

"...a broken record. Lexi what did mom say about interrupting people while they talk?" Bella called over to her.

Lexi trembled for a small moment remembering something unpleasant and Jacob noticed it. But Lexi shook it off and eventually made her way away from the police car. "I'm Lexi! You're really cute." Her cheeks glowed pink like they held no other color. Her face was stretched into such a huge smile, Jacob wondered what made her so happy. Long waves of brown hair tumbled out of a messy ponytail and she wore a beautiful pale pink dress with lace trim, shoes to match. She was adorable but Jacob simply chuckled at her, said "Aw so are you." And then turned his attention to Bella.

"She has a lot of bad habits I'm sorry. Mom tries to teach her out of them but nothing has worked. She even cut my arm here." Bella told him showing the jagged still healing scar on her arm to him.

"I did not you liar! You cut yourself." Lexi protested as their father, Charlie came outside then.

"Lexi Bug come give me a hug! I missed you!"

The young Lexi tumbled into his arms still with a grin covering her face. "I missed you too dad."

"Between me and you Jake, you'll be seeing her a lot more from now on. Because after mom picks me up this summer, Lexi is staying here."

Jacob woke up sweating heavily, like his room was suddenly a boiler room. He threw the covers off the bed and started to make his way to the kitchen when he looked down to see Lexi sleeping fitfully on a pallet of blankets next to his bed. He raised an eyebrow. Vampires didn't sleep.

Kneeling next to her he could hear her mumble. "Bella's in danger. Alice! Jasper! Do something you idiots!"

She shook a little in her sleep. Jacob pressed a light kiss to her head before standing back up to his full height. He could see the side of her face stretch to a wide smile like she used to do in their childhood but before anything else happened, Lexi shot up from the pallet breathing heavily. "I got to get to Carlisle now."

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