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"Ani! Ani, wait!"

Arshi couldn't understand what was happening. She had come out to meet him crying and from that moment until the ride to his house, he refused to communicate and once, she had caught him staring at her rather angrily.

His mood felt heavy - and she was upset. Why was Ani behaving childish which ended up ruining her plans? He knew how much she hated him acting mysterious.

Now, he had parked in front of his house and left the car with a bang, leaving her alone in there. Arshi thought she had enough patience and decided that he had some explaining to do, so she furiously trailed him into the house.

"Ani, what's the meaning of this attitude?"

"Ask yourself that question!"

His yell shocked both her and everyone else in the house, who was in the living room. Ani would have never dared to yell at Arshi before. He treasured her so much and always listened to what she said. Now, he was shouting at her with looks that could kill.

And Arshi wasn't the only recipient. Even the other Boses felt chilly at the angry looks he gave them. Choton, who was writing something at the dining table, was the first to ask.

"Ani?" he stood up and walked to his favorite nephew, "Is anything the matter?"

"Yes, Choton. There are a lot of matters in this house."

"Then, can you speak to us instead of acting all this drama, Ani? This look doesn't fit you." Shubho called out to his son from the settee. He had left the office to relieve stress, and he wasn't very happy that he came home to meet more. Why was there always drama in this house every day? 

If it wasn't that girl, Jhanak, it was his stupid niece, Appu, acting even more stupid.

"Ani, what your father means is that you should talk to us," Tanuja spoke up from beside her husband in an attempt to ease the friction. Seeing her son like this was making her nervous.

But he didn't reply to her. He only shot her a deep look before making for the stairs.

"I'm coming."


"I said I am coming!"

Aniruddh doubled on the stairs and went straight to one of the rooms he less frequented in this house. It was his sister, Mimi's room. Ever since they had become preteens, his parents had let him know the importance of boundaries even for his sisters, and giving them some space to thrive - and he had respected them for such a profound lesson. Who knew that they couldn't even hold themselves to the same standard for a girl who was in even worse conditions than his sisters would ever be?

He dragged open the door and stormed into the room, eyes scanning the feminine purple decor before coming to rest on her settee top. Aniruddh felt blood rush to his head because in plain sight was a trophy that had the name 'Jhanak Raina' embossed on it, with the 'Jha' part scratched off with something very sharp.

His family had no doubts he would never find out - and so they didn't even bother to cover up their tracks. He rushed to the settee and grabbed the trophy, running his hand over the name, fresh tears falling from his eyes onto the black-plated body. Ani would then press the trophy to his chest, whispering Jhanak's name softly over and over.

"Jhanak...I am sorry...I am so sorry..."

He cried because he knew deep within that he had caused this. He hadn't fulfilled his promise and now, he had completely lost her trust. Ani cried harder at the thought and a wave of resentment directed at his family and Arshi hit his heart.

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