You woke up with the sun from your open window beaming down on your face. You squinted your eyes and sat up, rubbing your head.

"I thought I closed that window last night?" You muttered to yourself as you walked out of your room to your bathroom.

"Morning!" Lucy exclaimed as you rushed past her. "You look rough," she chuckled.

You rolled your eyes. "Fuck you," you muttered as you walked into the bathroom you shared with your roommate. Your long, curly brown hair was... just a mess, honestly. Your bonnet had basically grown legs and walked right off your head, so your precious curls were fucked due to the way you toss and turn at night.

You stared at yourself in the mirror for a moment, then pulled your blue toothbrush from the cup and wet the brush. Then, you apply toothpaste, wet it again, and brush your teeth. You got into the shower and washed your face. Then, you moisturize your skin with lotion and coconut oil. Eventually, you got around to doing your hair, moisturizing your curls, putting your hair into a neat bun, and getting dressed into a simple pair of black ripped jeans and a black T-shirt.

You plopped down on your bed and sighed. You had an overwhelming sense of Deja Vu, but, nowadays you do basically every day. You reached into one of your nightstand drawers, pushed away your vibrator, condoms, and weed, and pulled out a plain black book. You opened to the next available page and clicked your pen.

Dear Diary,

Is it just me, or is every single day the same boring as routine? Well, we've already established that I'm fucking sick of this lifetime. I just wish I could wake up to a new reality. A more interesting reality where I don't have to deal with the same old bullshit. Every day it's just wake up, school, work, go home. Wake up, school, go home, over and fucking over again. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suicidal or anything, but I sure as hell wouldn't be fucking against being hit by a truck and isekai into a much more interesting existence.

Well, until next time.


You sighed, closed your diary, and slipped it back into your drawer.

"Yo, ____!" Lucy called. "I got a job interview, so I'm heading out! Coffee is in the pot!"

You opened your room door. "You know I hate coffee, but thanks."

"You need the caffeine," she teased as she slipped on her heels. She was wearing a pencil skirt, a white button-up, and black heels.

"Don't you look professional," you said. "What's the job?"

"The secretary for some rich dude," she said. "I heard rumors that he's a total perv, so maybe I'll score a sugar daddy, and he can pay our rent for us."

You both chuckled. "Yeah, well good luck with that. Hope you finally get a damn job."

"You know I've been trying so shut up," she said. "Anyways, I've gotta go. The interview is at 8 am, and I can't be late. Oh! And be home tonight, we're hanging out." Then, she left the apartment.

You yawned and grabbed your keys and black bookbag from your room and left the apartment.


You sat on a bench in an empty part of the park when a random person sat next to you. He stared at you for a while. You didn't acknowledge him at first, sitting on your phone and slowly moving away from the man. Each time you inched away, he inched closer to you.

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