Ch 13: Loyalty

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Leila declined the offer to work in Hel's room, stating, "Your room appears to be well-organized. I fail to see how my presence would be necessary here."

Hel couldn't help but appreciate Leila's eloquence. With each passing moment Leila spent in her room, the captivating fragrance she emitted filled Hel's office. And Hel desired for her to stay longer.

"Well, it won't remain tidy for a long time," it was a weak argument but Hel tried. She observed Leila's brief frown as they locked eyes and the redhead promptly averted her gaze.

Leila contemplated, "I want to work in the garden. I'm of use there," she clasped the apron tightly against her chest, a gesture that Hel observed. Hel could feel the heat radiating from Leila's breathing body and felt the urge to move closer, yet restrained herself. She could hear the rhythm of the human's heartbeat, indicating nervousness and likely confusion about Hel's interest in her. Hel herself couldn't comprehend why she felt drawn to Leila. Was it her enchanting fragrance? Her captivating gaze? Her angelic voice? Or, perhaps something deeper?

Hel inhaled deeply, drawing in Leila's scent, and stood tall. She positioned herself directly in front of Leila, causing the woman to gaze up at her. Hel examined Leila's warm brown eyes, speckled with black, while Leila studied her captivating crimson eyes, speckled with grey. The room fell silent, and after a brief pause, Hel asked softly, "How about you come to my room after your morning shift in the garden?"

Leila didn't understand what was more confusing at that point; First, why a vampire of royal status would take an interest in her, and second, why this vampire spoke to her with such softness, as if they were equals. Although Leila sensed a genuine respect, she wasn't naive. She understood that she needed to establish a rapport with the vampire in order to protect herself. She wanted to avoid any trouble. However, deep within her heart, she felt a sense of security around Hel, and she couldn't help but be intrigued by this mysterious woman with black hair.

Leila sighed and replied, "Alright. I'll be here after my shift," which made the vampire smile.

Hel and Leila returned to the shed. Everyone ignored their presence, with a few questioning why a human was by her side and others deliberately avoiding eye contact with the human due to Hel's presence. To some of them, it meant that Hel had chosen Leila to be her personal blood bag or her sex slave.

But to Hel, it was neither.

As they arrived at the shed, Hel glanced at the woman as she secured her apron around her waist and tied her hair up in a bun, revealing her delicate neck. With a deep breath, the vampire averted her gaze and exited the shed.

Leila watched Hel disappear, wondering what the vampire wanted with her. She took a deep breath in and mentally prepared herself for the day. She was anxious as to what was going to happen after her shift. She could notice the way the guards acted in Hel's presence and it was enough to understand that she held a high rank in the hierarchy.

Although she was wary of the situation, she couldn't help but feel a little warm on being noticed by Hel. She was interested in her, and wanted to know her. Her history, her relation to the King and why she appeared only suddenly.

The high rank vampire spoke to the woman, her name was Marylin, who was in charge of assigning duties. Leila was reassigned to morning duties in the garden and instructed to visit Hel's chamber at noon. Marylin complied, adjusting Leila's schedule anxiously. Hel nodded in approval and proceeded towards the scent of Rosaline.

Rosaline sensed Hel approaching her and she stood in the direction. Soon after, Hel appeared in front of her. They exchanged a brief nod and stood beside each other next to the water fountain in front of the Palace. "Have you spoken to Naza?" Hel questioned as she sat down on the edge of the fountain.

"Not yet but, I will. I just need your permission," Rosaline answered as she sat down beside her. Hel rolled her eyes and stared at the blonde woman. Her hair has been freshly trimmed and combed back.

"You don't need my permission," Hel spoke.

"I'm just being polite," Rosaline responded with a hint of sarcasm. Despite her lower status, Hel viewed her as an equal. A gentle chuckle escaped Hel, surprising Rosaline. Over time, Hel had softened, although she still exuded an air of superiority.

Keeping her distance from the palace had a positive impact on her demeanor, making her less harsh. Rosaline offered a soft smile before getting up. "Well, I'll be leaving. Don't miss me too much," she teased, ruffling Hel's hair.

Hel frowned and combed her hair back with her wet fingers after dipping them in the fountain, making Rosaline laugh. It dawned on Rosaline that Hel was still the same headstrong teenager she had rescued years ago. It became clear to Rosaline that Dion was still present within Hel, and that the tough exterior was a defense mechanism.

Rosaline swiftly departed from the palace using her agility. The guards were instructed to report directly to Hel, not the King, and they followed the orders accordingly. Hel dismissed them with a wave and retreated into her chamber, anticipating the arrival of a specific redhead after completing her shift.

In a matter of minutes, Rosaline found herself standing amidst the trees in the forest, announcing her presence. Shortly after, a brown wolf appeared, its hazel eyes fixed on the vampire as it was joined by a few other werewolves. Growling softly, they encircled the blonde woman.

"Oh please, you're such a puppy," Rosaline remarked, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. The brown wolf let out a huff before transforming back into Naza. Standing before her in her human form, the dread head was exposed, with an additional appendage hanging between her legs. "And please cover yourself, lord," Rosaline said in an exasperated tone.

"Why? You've never seen anybody naked?" Naza retorted as she covered herself with a shawl that was wrapped around one of the werewolves' neck.

They proceeded deeper into the forest, heading towards the territory where Naza's pack resided. As they walked together, they'd pass slight remarks at each other, with a smile on their faces. Naza was fond of Rosaline and she matched her in her sarcasm. This was how they conversed. Naza was a good leader. She was widely accepted and looked up to. But, after losing her members, she felt guilty and blamed herself. Her mate, Shanika helped her get back on her feet. Both of them had accepted a few rogues into their pack a few days ago and they were in the process of training them. Among the rogues, there was a witch as well.

They reached the house nestled in the heart of the forest and Rosaline was invited in by Shanika, Naza's beautiful mate. Even though some of them weren't welcoming of the vampire, they had heard of how she saved them from a gruesome fate. Naza apologised for her pack's behaviour but Rosaline didn't hold any bad feelings in her. She understood them and she gave them time to adjust to her presence.

Rosaline informed Naza about the incident that occurred in the King's chamber, and Naza was deeply moved by Hel's denial to her own King to protect her and her pack. Loyalty was an attribute that had been engraved in a werewolf's blood ever since they were born. Even though Hel was a vampire, Naza had started to consider her to be one of them; even though she wasn't loyal to her own King, she was loyal to their companionship.

While they were catching up to each other, Rosaline smelled something different. Herbs and incense sticks with a hint of espresso. She turned her gaze towards the direction of the source and she was met with a pair of eyes, staring at her angrily.

"Oh fuck me dear mother of Jesus fucking christ!" Rosaline muttered as she stared at the woman, awestruck with her beauty. Her rich umber skin shined golden under the sunlight, her body adorned with curves with her thick hair in neat rows of braids along her scalp . The witch's eyes were a deep shade of mahogany, her stare serious and firm as it held Rosaline's who was smitten with her beauty.

Naza laughed hysterically, earning a smack from her wife, Shanika. She shut up quickly and gave an apologetic look at the glaring woman. Rosaline stood up from where she was sitting and approached the woman. The witch held up her hand stopping Rosaline in her track using her power. "What's a bloodsucker doing here?" she spat.

"Ada, she's Rosaline," Naza spoke, walking towards the witch. "It's okay, she's not a threat to us," she continued.

Ada dropped her hand hesitantly and walked away from the place. Rosaline kept watching her and whispered, "Ada.... What a beauty."

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