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                Before Remus Lupin & Sirius Black graduated, Sirius and Remus asked Lily Evans to be their Surrogacy. She said yes that she would love to be their surrogacy for them to have their own little one. James was okay with the arrangement and was happy to help his friends that were apart of the marauders. James, Remus, Sirius, Lily, and Peter all were excited to graduate. They all had their ideas of what they wanted to do after they graduate from Hogwarts. James and Lily want to have a kid named Harry Potter. Remus and Sirius want to have a little girl named Luna and be a happy family. Remus wants James and Lily to be the godparents of Luna. James and Lily made Sirius and Remus Harry's godfathers. Peter really don't know what to he wants to after he graduate.
                    A five years later, Remus and Sirius are it the waiting room waiting for James and little Harry to tell them that they can come to the hospital room. Remus and Sirius are waiting to see their little girl to be born and actually be parents. "Remus do you think that i will be a good father to Luna? I worried I'm not going to be a good father to her." Sirius says with a worried voice. "You will be the best father for her and you will also be a amazing godfather to little Harry Potter." Remus says and kisses Sirius cheek. A few minutes later, James pops his head out of the delivery room with a huge smile on his face. "Moony and Padfoot come on she was born. Come on guys your daughter is born" James says down the hall. Both Remus and Sirius run to the room where she was born and looks at Lily and the little baby that lily was holding. "Hello Remus and Sirius this is Luna Black." She says and hands the baby girl to Remus. "Oh my gosh. Sirius she looks like you so much." Remus says to Sirius and hands her to Sirius for a chance to hold her. "Oh my gosh. Remus she has your eyes and my nose." Sirius says and smiles at Luna and Remus.
               The year that Sirius was framed for killing 12 Muggles and Peter. Remus went silent for 12 years and Luna went missing and Remus thought Sirius killed her too. Remus left and went into hiding for years and years not knowing that his daughter is live. He looks at the photo of him, Luna and Sirius. He starts to cry. He just wants his family back and now knowing that the marauders are gone and his old friend Severus hates him because of what Sirius did in their 5 year of Hogwarts. Sirius played an mean prank on Severus Snape and told him how to find the whomping Willow to see where Remus has been disappearing every month. Lupin misses his friend and his daughter so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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