Chapter 4: The Escape Plan

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As Elara stepped back into the castle, the familiar sights and sounds enveloped her like a heavy shroud. The stone walls loomed tall and imposing, their ancient surfaces bearing the weight of centuries of history. Torches flickered along the corridors, casting dancing shadows that seemed to whisper secrets of times long past.

Lady Evelin's presence, as always, commanded attention. Her sharp features were framed by tightly coiled hair, and her stern expression brooked no defiance. The air around her crackled with authority, and her steely gaze bore into Elara like a blade.

The castle itself seemed to hold its breath as Lady Evelin addressed Elara's absence. The servants moved about their tasks with hushed whispers, casting furtive glances in Elara's direction as they awaited the steward's judgment.

"Elara," Lady Evelin's voice cut through the silence like a whip, her words sharp and uncompromising. "You have been absent without leave. Such behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated under my watch."

Elara's heart sank at the rebuke, the weight of Lady Evelin's disapproval heavy upon her shoulders. Summoning every ounce of courage, Elara met Lady Evelin's gaze head-on. "I understand, Lady Evelin," she replied, her voice quavering slightly with nerves. "I apologize for my absence and assure you it won't happen again."

But Lady Evelin was unmoved by Elara's apology, her expression remaining cold and unyielding. "Words are meaningless without action," she retorted, her tone as sharp as a dagger's edge. "You will be punished for your negligence. Report to the horse barns immediately and begin your assigned tasks."

With a heavy heart, Elara nodded in acquiescence, knowing that further protest would only worsen her situation. As she made her way to the horse barns, the weight of Lady Evelin's judgment hung heavy upon her, driving home the gravity of her actions and the desperate need to find a way to help Lysander.

In the dimly lit barn, shafts of dusty sunlight filtered through the cracks in the wooden walls, casting long shadows across the straw-strewn floor. The air was heavy with the scent of hay and horse sweat, mingling with the sound of restless whinnies and the rhythmic clink of metal against stone as Elara toiled away at her assigned tasks.

Each day brought with it a new set of challenges, as Elara navigated the treacherous waters of Lady Evelin's disapproval and the ever-watchful eyes of the castle guards. But despite the oppressive atmosphere and the weight of her punishment, Elara remained steadfast in her determination to find a way to reach Lysander.

On the first day of her attempts, as she approached the guard stationed at the castle gates with a friendly smile, she was met with wary glances and terse warnings.

"Move along, girl," the guard grunted, his voice brusque. "This is no place for idle chatter."

Undeterred by his curt dismissal, Elara offered a polite nod and backed away, though the guard's steely gaze lingered on her with a warning that spoke volumes.

But Elara was not one to be easily discouraged. With each passing day, she returned to the castle gates, her determination unyielding as she sought to break through the guards' defenses.

As she approached the guards once more on the following day, she was met with cautious wariness, their gazes narrowing with suspicion.

"What do you want, girl?" one of the guards demanded, his tone gruffer than before.

Elara's heart sank at the guard's continued skepticism, but she pressed on, determined to find a way to break through his defenses.

"I-I'm sorry to bother you again," she stammered, her voice soft and trembling as she feigned vulnerability. "I-I've just been assigned to the horse barns, and the work is so heavy... I-I thought I might take a break and... and walk around a bit."

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