Chapter 5: Curse I

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(A/n-  I am trying to make this fanfiction short yet covering the entire story, So, the writing is slow and chapters may delay. One or two anime references are there too)






Again...? Our hard work got reset...

This time Ryuu felt his body ache...Probably because it was only yesterday when he passed out after the fight with Elsa.

Ram- Rem, Rem, it looks like the guest on the right is having some problems. Why don't you go look after him while I look after the guest on the left?

Rem nods and walks up to me. Just then Subaru ran away. Ram ran after her.

Rem- Sir are you feeling okay?

I didn't feel like this when I woke up here last time... 

He started coughing with his hands covering his mouth. Rem started patting his back.

Rem- Sir! Should I get water?

When his coughing subsided...His hand blood.

It's awful...

Ryuu- No it's fine...

Rem- Should I call Emilia-Sama?

Ryuu- It's a small matter. Don't bother her over such things

???- I felt like someone called me here

Speak of the devil. She is here. Noticed the blood at the corner of his face. She ran to his bedside.

Emilia- Beatrice was right...Your gate is injured!

Wiping the blood left on his lips, he asks.

Ryuu- What is a gate?

Rem went away to get a cloth and a bowl of water to clean his hands and face.

Emilia- It is something from which mana passes. and after Reinhardt used his move to weaken Elsa last day your gate broke and all your mana was gone

Ryuu- is mana like energy?

Emilia- yes, It is used in casting magic

Ryuu- I see...

Rem came to the door with the cloth and the bowl.

Emilia- See you at breakfast then

She smiles at him and leaves the room.




After that Rem helped him through the time and during breakfast...he sat 2 chairs away from Roswaal and Subaru sat the closest to him. In between them was Emilia. As he was served his food...unlike last time when his appetite was slowly growing and he became fond of Rem's food...this time he didn't feel that hungry. Roswaal was talking about Emilia's rank, the insignia, which maid is better in which household, etc etc

Roswaal- Now! Just name your desires!

Within 0.1 seconds of telling that. Subaru stood up.

Subaru- My wish is! Hire me as a worker here!

Roswaal- Granted. You can be the butler

It's changed huh?

Now the attention turned to the quietest person in the room. Ryuu. 

ℝ𝕖:ℤ𝕖𝕣𝕠~ (𝔼𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕒 𝕏 𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕏 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤 𝕏 𝕆ℂ)Where stories live. Discover now