Chapter 1

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The sun was high in the sky and its rays made the surface of the ocean shine. In addition to the good weather and the peaceful sound of the water, from time to time one could see Dolphins jumping out of the water, playing and whistling in unison. In the sky, we could even see a few sea birds flying around.

But while the scenery was peaceful and enjoyable, it is not what is interesting us at the moment...

No... it was the massive white Cruise Ship sailing on the sea. It was not the biggest ship around but it was still an impressive sight.

On board, many people (around 3000 or more) were minding their own business such as playing, chatting, sunbathing or simply looking at the ocean, taking pictures. From time to time, we could see the cruise workers doing their own things.

However, our attention was focused on a little group of people... a family to be precise : there was a man and a woman, as well as two children (a big one and a smaller one). All four of them were English people.

The man could be described as the unholy offspring of a Walrus and a Whale. He was a big, beefy man with a large face who had thick, dark hair, a bushy black moustache, with hardly any neck (mainly because of how fat he was) and mean little eyes.

His wife was his total opposite : she was a blonde-haired woman with an unnatural long neck and large pale eyes. While the man looked like an overgrown walrus, she looked like a horse... a really ugly one... and the type of horse you DO NOT want to ride !

The children were polar opposite of one another.

The first boy, if you can call him that, was the carbon copy of the Walrus-like man except that he had thick blond hairs and watery blue eyes. Because of how fat he was, he looked like a pig... a really large pig. He looked to be fatter than his father especially if you ratio between height and girth of the two of them.

Then there was the last child who looked to be no older than 5 or 6 at most. He had messy raven hair and beautiful bright emerald green eyes. He was shorter than a child his age should be and his clothes seemed way too big for him. Underneath the hair covering his forehead, was a strange scar which strangely looked like a lightning bolt in shape. Underneath the scar, we could see large and ugly glasses.

But who are those people ?

The Walrus like man was Vernon Dursley and he was everything you could despise in someone : arrogant, surly, combustible, blustering, abrasive, petty-minded and strongly intolerant toward people who were different than him. At the port, he almost had troubles with someone because the latter was of African origin. With people (for example beggars), he would feel no sympathy. He would judge people based on their wealth or their status.

The horse-I mean his wife Petunia Dursley née Evans was no better : she was nosy, spiteful, jealous, hostile and repressed woman who hated anything that wasn't normal (at least HER definition of normal). Like her fat husband, she had no sympathy for people who she deemed unworthy.

The pig-like child was Petunia and Vernon's son. In their opinion, their little Duddykins was a perfect angel... but the truth was much more different. Dudley was nothing more than a spoiled brat with obesity thanks to his parents' care. Due to this, he was demanding, extremely ungrateful, selfish and manipulative. He would constantly whine and fake-cry to get what he wants !

The perfect definition of a spoiled brat in short...

But sadly it didn't stop there...

Dudley was also a bully... his main pleasure to picking on smaller and weaker people than himself !

Where there's Love, there's Life (Harry Potter/ MGE Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now