Chapter 4

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The birds started chirping he sun rose over the village, breaking into the room of the large inn-hotel where a certain duo were sleeping peacefully. Harry Potter, who was used to waking up early (all thanks to his 'loving' relatives), began to stir as he found himself in someone's arms.

Panicking and have forgotten where he was, the thin black haired child instinctively began to struggle and shake. However, his struggles didn't last long as barely a second later, the one holding him started to rub his back before he felt a pair of lips kissing the top of his head.

"Hello there sleepyhead~" a feminine voice greeted in a gentle and warm tone.

Blinking, the little boy turned his head to look at where the voice came from... only to stare into a pair of fiery orange eyes staring back at him with kindness. After a second of stunned silence, Harry's eyes widened when he remembered where he was...and who was holding him.

His sufferings at the Dursleys' hands was over... No more will he be treated as a slave... no more will he have to cook for his obese cousin and his fat uncle... no more beatings...

"Harry ?" Jaya called out in concern and alarm when she saw the tears slowly forming in his eyes. Normally she wouldn't wake up so early in the morning but thanks to the feeling of something shivering against her...

Quickly, she sat up on the bed while picking him up before engulfing the little one into a gentle embrace.

Without hesitation, Harry buried his face into her chest and began to cry softly. Concerned by his sudden behavior, the Jinko rubbed his back with her paws, whispering calming into his ear

"Sweetie ? What's wrong ?" she asked him with nothing but concern in her voice.

"I-I'm just happy Miss Jaya..." Harry answered in a tiny voice as his face was still buried in her chest.

The Jinko relaxed a bit hearing this but then smiled down at him gently "I'm glad you are , dear ... Now tell me : did you slept well ?~"

"I did Miss Jaya ! I had no bad dreams !" Harry answered with a bright smile on his face.

Jaya giggled in amusement at his answer before smiling down at him tenderly

"Again I'm glad to hear that, honey... Now... how about we give you a bath then go and get breakfast ?~" the Jinko inquired him with gently.

"Miss Jaya ? What is a bath ?" Harry asked her with a titled head and eyes filled with curiosity.

Hearing this, Jaya had to restrain herself from growling in anger : of course those 'animals' wouldn't do something as simple as giving this little one a bath ! she managed to hide her anger behind a smile as she looked down at his curious face.

"A bath, sweetie, is an act of washing your body when sitting in water...It makes you all clean up and better looking~" she answered him gently as she climbed out of the bed with him still in her arms.

Harry nodded his little head in understanding and let himself be carried by Miss Jaya as she lead him toward what looked like a bathroom. After putting him down, the Jinko ,while filling the large tub with water, gently told him to take off his clothes. With her back turned, she didn't noticed her charge flinching in fear as his eyes looked at the water.

She didn't know it but little Harry had a really bad history with water... After all, his Uncle Vernon had tried to drown him more than once at Private Drive... and the fact that he almost died in the sea after his beloved uncle threw him off the ship didn't help his case.

He stiffened when he felt himself being picked up but relaxed once it realized it was just Miss Jaya. However, his fear returned as she slowly set him down toward the tub of water. The Jinko, for her part, was far form pleased when she saw the amount of scars he was carrying on his scrawny body and needless to say that she wanted nothing more than to hunt down his relatives to give them a piece of her mind.

Where there's Love, there's Life (Harry Potter/ MGE Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now