Roaring muscles (Ch 1)

29 3 0

Location: Usj
Time: unknown

Deku pov

Allmight had been knocked down by the nomu and was at his limits, I had sacrificed my hands in order to slow down the nomu but it did little to no damage.

Kacchan and Todoroki couldn't help us due to the large mobs of villains that were swarming them and Aizawa sensei was in no condition to fight.

All hope was lost until out of nowhere a guy who looked to be in teens fell from from the sky and fell into the fountain right in front of us and smashing it on impact.

Instantly I moved to check if the guy was hurt, proceeding with caution in case he turned out to be a villain.

"Are you okay, do you feel hurt anywhere" I asked while checking for signs of injuries.

"This water feels very cool, I wonder where I am" said the teen completely ignoring my questions.

Now that I got a closer look at him, he was wearing some sort of uniform.
None that I've ever seen.

"That's enough rest, I better head back to pops before he gets worried" said the teen as he got up.

This surprised me and caused me stumble as I wasn't paying attention.

"Hey you, how do you interrupt my fight" Shigaraki said itching at his neck.

"Are those hands real, do you have an obsession with hands. We should call the police" the teen said while pointing at Shigaraki.

"Please don't agitate them, they're villains who broke into our school" I warned.

"So they're also into kids, why didn't you guys call the police?" Asked the teen.

Before I could answer his question Shigaraki suddenly launched at us.
I was about to tell the teen to dodge when he suddenly kicked Shigaraki away.

"Don't touch me, I'm not into guys"
The teen said as he patted his shirt.

"You're really starting to irritate me" Shigaraki said. "Nomu kill him".

The nomu which had been battling a very weakened Allmight immediately went after the teen leaving Allmight to take in a few breaths of relief.

"Run away, you can't handle him" I shouted. "He was created to best Allmight".

"The hero is right, no one can defeat my nomu. Not even Allmight himself" Shigaraki declared.

The nomu instantly launched at the teen catching him off guard with a heavy right hook to the guts.

"No it's over, I failed to save him. I let him get killed" I thought to my self.

"My nomu is unbeatable, there's no body capable of stopping him" Shigaraki declared not knowing he had just jinxed himself.

"Didn't I beat you before" said the teen to the nomu. "You look smaller and weaker than before, did you stop pumping iron".

"That's impossible, my Nomu was designed to kill Allmight. There should be no one capable of handling him" Shigaraki said in denial.

As I stood there shocked the teen proceeded to rain down barrages of punches and a fury of kicks on the nomu so strong it couldn't even regenerate.
The teen was moving so fast, his body was heating up due to friction and burning up the Nomu's cells.
He landed one final blow which sent the nomu flying a great distance from the Usj.

"You're too weak" the team stated as he dusted off his robe.

As I was about to go and ask him some questions the UA staffs burst through the door and snipe fired some shots at Shigaraki which forced him to retreat.

"Stop them don't let those villains escape" shouted snipe.

Mash immediately turned to look at Shigaraki then blitzed to the portal ripping off Shigaraki's hand before the portal closed.

Immediately after the villains retreated the teachers came to check on the students and then some of them headed to the teen's direction with nezu on present mic's shoulder.

"Young man I would like to have a word with you in my office" said nezu.

"Ok I'll come, but first" the teen said putting his hands into his robe to grab something.

The teachers tensed up at this and were planning to engage when nezu gestured them to stand down.

"I need to take my proteins" the teen said while whipping out a homemade energy drink.

"An energy drink" was the thought that crossed everyone's mind as the stood there dumfounded.

"What an interesting person" nezu thought as he started at the anomaly in front of him.


Author's note

So I had this idea for a long time and I decided to finally post the story.
This is the story of how mash overcame numerous hurdles and became the No 1 hero.
Support me by voting, sharing the book, adding to your reading list and comment on any improvement to be made.


Word Count: 800 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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