Chapter 14 (A strange protection)

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The next morning, Lambordi family was filled with grim and silence. Xavier who just reached back home a few hours ago was sitting in his office with his six brothers standing in front of him and reporting their actions.

Luciano was looking worst of them. He was drenched in blood but the sickening grin on his face told them a horror story.

There was a small knock on the door. They almost did not hear it at first.

At the nod of Xavier, Vincent went to open it. To his surprise, he found Leila standing there. She slowly looked up maintaining eye contact for a second before looking back down again.

He let her in the room. It seemed like none of her brothers really expected her presence.

"You should be resting." Angelo who stayed with her the whole night grumbled in irritation.

"Pathetic." Antonio scoffed as he took a step in her direction, with the intention to set her right or maybe drag her back to the bed.

Leila was alarmed instantly and she froze before trembling like a poor bunny.

"Antonio!" Xavier's warned Antonio who paused right there. He clicked his tongue but returned back to his original position.

Xavier settled his eyes on Leila who was fidgeting on her spot.

"Is there any reason you are here?" His voice left each bit of hardness he had earlier, it was just plain, neutral.

It looked like she wanted to say something, with her mouth opening several times and closing but no words came out.

"It will take her weeks to get a word out." Antonio grumbled.

Leila flinched at the annoyance he was holding in his tone.

"Give her a damn break!" Luciano growled at his older brother before Xavier could even speak.

Leila slowly glanced up at him. Surprised that he was taking her side. But however she felt her stomach churning when she noticed blood on him.

She scrambled far from his shadow, her breathing turned frantic.

Luciano frowned, unimpressed before he smiled genuinely but it was actually creepy.

"Don't be scared from me silly girl." He moved closer to hug her but Vincent pulled him back.

"I think it's not the best idea."

"Shut the hell up!" Luciano pushed him away and rushed to Leila now agitated.

He placed his hands on her cheeks and pulled the little girl closer.

"It's their blood!" He boasted.

"Those fuckers who tried to kill you yesterday. They are no more! I took care of them personally. You are safe so why are you scared now? I'm always here, you can count on me taking care of anyone who try to hurt you." Luciano smirked in accomplishment when she stopped shaking.

"Heh! Look she's all calm now." His hands left her cheeks and he turned to face his brothers.

Xavier and others were staring blankly at him. Carlo's eye twitched. Angelo and Vincent were rubbing their temples.

There was a loud thud behind Luciano. He froze and then abruptly spun around to see Leila on the floor unconscious. His jaw dropped.

"What the hell happened?!"

"Idiot!" Angelo grunted and stepped closer to them.

He picked Leila up in his arms.

"What's wrong with Leila?" Luciano asked his rest of brothers in confusion, more likely demanding an explanation.

But no one bothered to answer him...It was of no use.

"I wonder what she wanted to say." Zach interjected.


It took her half an hour to wake up again. Angelo was standing at the side of her bed talking to a doctor.

They noticed that she was awake. The doctor asked her few of the question which she answered with a snake of her head without speaking.

After suggesting her few tips, he left the room leaving two siblings alone.

"You are getting lighter day by day." Angelo dragged the topic out of nowhere. He had nothing better to say anyway.

"From now on I will be keeping an eye on your diet."

Leila just nodded, it did not really matter, anyway.

He would forget soon.

They forget everytime.

"What was it that you wanted to say earlier?" Leila slightly straightened at the mention. She looked lost in thought, her nervous picking on her fingers made Angelo a little impatient.

"Just say it!" He stated.

"I-I umm w-want to go out."

"Go where?" He raised his brow. He at first assumed due to yesterday's events, she would refuse to step out of the mansion.

"I w-want to v-visit someone." Her voice was so soft and small that he almost didn't hear her words.

"Who?" He asked and leaned closer to listen.


When it clicked in Angelo's mind whom she was speaking about, he froze.

What was the date again today?

His eyes widened remembering and he looked down at his little sister. She looked so weak and worn out already.

Was it really a good choice?

He sighed. He knew it will only hurt her more if he stopped her.

"I will inform Xavier." In a flash, he was out of the room leaving Leila alone shedding tears.

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