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(outfit Inspo^^)

"First make a deal"

"I don't make deals with demons"

KIM YOUNG SOO and Do Do-he were sat in the backseat of the Uber they called as it was almost midnight

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KIM YOUNG SOO and Do Do-he were sat in the backseat of the Uber they called as it was almost midnight.

They were both before at the beach to drink away their sorrows as it was Do Do-he's birthday but also the death day of their parents.

Do Do-he kept complaining about the date she had with a man double her age and that he said she should pay (obviously a man doesn't have to pay but still).

A sick feeling was building its way up Young-soo's stomach as she kept looking at her surroundings and the driver who had an strange looking scar across his face. He seemed so unfamiliar like he's almost familiar (if that makes sense).

She kept asking where they were driving but she only got a simple 'your destination' what didn't let the feeling in her stomach go by.

They were now on a road by the water that looked strongly familiar as she had seen it before. She knew it could've been from a vision which she got weekly but she couldn't see clear in them and didn't make anything out of it.

She was ripped out of her thoughts when the car stopped. First she looked at the sleeping Do Do-he next to her then at her driver, who was smirking.

That's when it hit her as she realised he was dangerous but as she tried to open the car door she soon saw that he locked

She quickly did a finger snap (🫰) and got Do Do-he to safety with a spell that made her teleport home but before she could teleport herself, she felt someone take her hands and an knife, pressed against her back. But not only feels she that she also saw a figure walking in her direction.

She saw a glimpse of her Demon Mark and realised it glowed. She didn't knew what it meant but she hoped for something good (A/N oh babe it does mean something good😏).

As the figure walked even further into her eye sight she saw the man she ran into some hours ago again. She looked at something glowing under his coat the same golden colour like her mark.
But It couldn't be,could it.

With one snap of his fingers she was standing in front of him with a stern look on her face as the man ,who had only seconds ago held a blade to her back, was now blind for a bit as he tried to get back to the Uber car.

"Please help me" she pleaded as she knew she couldn't figure out, if he was something supernatural like her or something different.

"First, make a deal" he demanded with a calm and soothing voice. He knew she would do everything to get out alive from this situation, well thats what he thought.

"I don't make deals with demons" she said strongly even, if she didn't know if this was a mistake or not.

"How did you-" but before he could continue, they were send of the edge of the street by the uber car and the last thing Jeong Gu-won saw before passing out was the Demon Mark from Kim Young-soo that glowed golden...

(A/N) I'm baaaaccccckkkk biitttchess
Hehe and I am finally in the mood to write

This is also nit proof read so ignore it and also English is not my first language

Destiny [ My Demon ] ( Jeong Gu-won&Fem!reader ) Where stories live. Discover now