
408 7 12

Luna added tim Lucy Nyla Angela Nolan Jackson
    Athena added   Evan Eddie Howard Henrietta and Ravi


Lucy- what's this?

Angela -oo more friends 

Nyla- right?

Luna- yes technically what Ang said the older cops and firefighters decided that since we have the same family bond to get to know each other

Hen -that's a great idea

Athena- Of course it is

Buck- oh

Eddie - cool

Bobby- add your husbands/wives or gf and boyfriends also tell your kids to make a kid one if they want the teens of course or something

Buck- um



Eddie- yeah hen don't blame us singles

Hen -yeah whatever🙄

Hen adds Karen
Karen -oh?

Buck -Karen! My favorite Wilson

Hen - oh fuck off

Karen-ah hi buck? What's this

Hen - a family chat I guess

Karen- and who are the others

Hen - Athena's friends who also have a close bond

Karen-ah I see hi people

Tim-uh hi

Lucy -be nice tim hii

Tim- I was being nice

Lucy -sure
Karen - ahh I see now
Bobby -yep
Luna- ang add Wesley so we can get the introduction started

Angela adds Wesley

Wesley - sup

Angela -sup?💀

Wesley -yes 😑

Angela- cringe 🙄

Luna - okay is that all

Lucy -probably Chris doesn't want to join

Tim-so does Ashely

Angela - good

Tim- what🤨

Angela - I don't like them

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