| Introduction and Content |

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Welcome to my guide on Lucid Daydreaming!

I've provided as much information as I could muster up from my brain about this, and summarized it so it won't be too long.

Honestly, you can read all this in maybe 10 minutes or 5. But please note that everything I wrote down is relevant, so please don't skip over any points. ( >°▪︎°)>

《 Content 》

I. Vocabulary / Definitions

II. Purpose & Benefits

III. Grasping of Concept

IV. Lucid Daydreaming Prompts

V. Usage of LD

VI. Bonus Information


| I. Vocabulary / Definitions |

Note : I made these up.

Lucid Daydreaming / LD: To vividly experience an intentional imagined concept whilst awake or half-awake.

LD Prompts: A pre-made script of something to include into the LD experience.

Conceptual Prompts: Prompts of a concept that doesn't exist or is entirely made up. These include Physical material, systems, existences, relationships, locations, etc.


| II. Purpose & Benefits |

I've listed down 3 purposes that apply to myself. Those include:

1. Experiencing Characters: Conversations, Interactions, etc.

- Benefits: Understand psychology, conversation-building, OC-building...

2. Experiencing Stories: Plots, Storyline, etc.

- Benefits: Creative writing, Plot-building, Timeline organization...

3. Experiencing Places: Atmosphere, Aesthetics, etc.

- Benefits: World-building, improved imagination, possibly improve architecture skills...


| III. Grasping of Concept |

• Before diving into Lucid Daydreaming, you must come to terms with the fact that everything in reality is just a concept, although slightly depressing, you must accomplish this to widen your imagination, improve your self-awareness, and begin the first step to LD.

Examples of things that are merely concepts include: occupations, the currency system, Industries, life-forms, roles, etc.

• After harnessing this knowledge, your imagination will be limitless, and you have the power to create unimaginable things.

Examples: Creating new occupational concepts, new political systems, maybe even create an entirely new life form.


| IV. Lucid Daydreaming Prompts |

• There are different kinds of LD Prompts to insert into your Lucid Daydreaming experience. (Think of it as using a pre-made character/preset when customizing an in-game character) I've categorized them into 4 different kinds of prompts:

- Character Prompts.

- Story Prompts.

- Location Prompts.

- Conceptual Prompts: Prompts of a concept that doesn't exist or is entirely made up. These include Physical material, systems, existences, relationships, locations, etc.


| V. Usage of LD |

• You can enhance the LD experience with music playlists, pinterest boards, etc.

• You can use LD to romanticize your school life (like me) or to be able to enjoy a hobby without the need for materialistic dependency.

• You can have LD friends you can share information and ideas with, since It's rare to find on the internet.

• Use within moderation to prevent distraction in your daily life. Stay safe with LD!


| VI. Bonus information |

• For people struggling with mental health or other issues, I reccomend having a personalized LD character with you to support and comfort you in your life, because you deserve to treat yourself that way. Don't depend on anything besides yourself for your own happiness. ( °•°)


• P.S please inform me if LD causes any symptoms of tasting/smelling/hearing/feeling in your dreams. The information will help me with my ongoing research, thank you.

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