◈A Radiant Light's Shout◈

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Ari's breathing became erratic as she stumbled through the dark and cold hidden passageway, her outstretched hand clinging to the stone wall for support. Bile rose in her throat as the news that was relayed to her minutes before consumed her thoughts.

He's dead. Mateus, her dear brother, her best friend, is dead. Murdered by someone he had trusted.

"No," Ari cried, feeling as though her heart had shattered despite its steady rhythm inside her chest. "Someone has made a terrible mistake. Mateus is not gone. He can't be."

Light footsteps echoed down the passageway before a gentle voice filled the air.

"Miss, we must return to your room," Clementine whispered from behind Ari, her face composed save for the tears glistening her eyes.

"Tell me it's not true, Clementine. My brother? He's not really..."

"Come now, Miss. Your parents will be furious if they learn you've left your room without permission or an escort."

Sadness gave way to anger as Ari clenched her fists at her side, digging her nails into her skin. Heat radiated in her palms.

"Damn my parents' feelings," Ari seethed.


"Where were they when Mateus was being slain by his friend? Where were they?!"

"No one could have predicted this."

"They should have been there to protect him. I should have been there."

"There was nothing you could have done." Clementine stepped forward slowly, reaching out for Ari's shoulder. "Let's get you back to your room, Miss. You should lay down."

"Leave me alone!"

With great force, Ari shoved Clementine away, sending her tumbling to the ground. A cry of agony escaped Clementine's lips the moment Ari's hands touched her. The fabric of her dress peeled away at her shoulders, revealing a horrifying sight.

Flesh began to blister and bleed, as though Clementine had been touched with coal from burning flames.

Terrified, Ari looked down at her hands, which were still radiating a blue and white glow. Clementine stared up with wide eyes, no words coming out of her mouth that slightly opened in shock.

"I'm so sorry," Ari said, voice trembling as she desperately willed her hands to return to normal. "I didn't mean..."

"How long, Arrabella?" Clementine asked, finally finding her voice. Ari was taken back by the use of her full name on Clementine's lips. "How long have you shown signs of being an Etheri?"

"A what?"

"Etheri. Someone who possesses magic."

Ari knelt down in front of Clementine; the glow having left her hands. Reaching out tentatively, Ari placed her hands on Clementine's wounds, causing her maid to wince slightly.

While the heat created by the blue and white glow felt like holding a flame, this new golden warmth emanating from Ari's palms felt almost gentle, soothing. She could feel the warmth wrap around Clementine's wounds, mending what was broken until no sign of any damage remained.

"I've felt something growing inside me for a year, but I didn't learn what it was until a couple of months ago."

"Have you spoken of this to anyone else? Shown what you can do to anyone else?"

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