Chapter I

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The date was December 29th, 2023. The holiday season was nowhere near ending, since Mitsuki’s Christmas spirit had always been brighter than any star.

You enjoyed it, though. Your parents were serious lawyers, never condoning such glee or idiocy as you grew older. Mitsuki Bakugo gave you a break from all that, and so did Masaru. You’d never encountered such a healthy relationship between two mates, even if one had slight anger issues.

You and Katsuki had been dating for two years. Since your first kiss at age twenty, you couldn’t take your eyes off your beautiful boyfriend.

There was nothing imperfect about him through your eyes; His luscious blond locks and the way it naturally spiked upwards, his piercing scarlet eyes, the muscles rippling across his chest and arms, and even the rare smile he gave you when you made him laugh hard enough.

You two were happy, happier than ever during the Christmas season. Masaru and Mitsuki enjoyed your company in their home during special weekends, and you never wanted the moment to end.

Your lips touched the edge of a wine glass as you sipped the white wine, the soothing taste of Moscato stinging your tongue with serenity. The love of your life sat next to you, gently grasping your hand.

“When are we opening the presents, hag?” Katsuki barked at his mother, a frown rippling across his face. “Y/N and I have to be home!”

“Why so soon?” Mitsuki frowned, crossing her arms at her chest. “Does Y/N want to go, or are you just assuming?”

All eyes fell on you, sending a shiver down your spine. Clearing your throat, you replied, “Unfortunately, he’s right. The dog hasn’t been fed or watered all day. Heck, she’s probably so lonely.”

“Yeah, well-” Mitsuki grumbled, seating herself on the floor beside the couch. “It’s worse with kids. I never got to go anywhere because Katsuki was always whining. Little brat, he was.”

A sharp giggle escaped your lips while Katsuki fumed. “I wasn’t that bad, you old hag! You just sucked at raising me!”

“See?” Mitsuki whispered to you. “Brat.”

“Shut up!” Katsuki threw a pillow directly at her face, cutting off her laughter.

“I see.” Mitsuki set her glass on the dining room table a few feet away. “If that’s how it’s going to be, Katsuki. Bring it on!”

That started the pillow fight war in the living room, but Masaru merely stayed away from the action. He reminded you of your father, who was mostly quiet and kept to himself. Masaru had always been kind to you in a different way than Mitsuki was. In different ways, the two were just showing their compassion.

“Watch out!” You giggled, the wine glass being knocked out of your hand by Katsuki’s aim. “You got it all over the carpet!”

“I’ll clean it up later,” Mitsuki promised, viciously slamming a pillow into her son’s face. “Have some fun, Y/N!”

A smile spread across your lips as you grabbed a pillow in your hand, preparing to dominate the Bakugos in a pillow fight. Katsuki was defeating his mother, but you sided with the opposite power.

Your pillow made contact with your boyfriend’s shoulder, shocking him for a mere moment. Within a second, Mitsuki shoved him backwards.

Katsuki landed on his back on the carpet, his face burning red with embarrassment. “You chose the wrong side of this war, Y/N.”

“Oh no,” You grinned. “Whoopsie Daisy.”

Katsuki’s rare grin appeared as he started fighting against you and his mom. “It’s so on, Y/N. DIE!”

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