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How do I say goodbye?

How do I say goodbye?

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Billie's pov

It doesn't surprise me when I realize you've fallen asleep. I can't even begin to imagine the stress you have been through these days and I can't help feeling guilty for having let you go. I mean, unlike me, what other choice did you have? I should have come up with a better solution, maybe let your grandpa stay at my house, our house, for example.

It took me two torturous weeks to realize my mistake. I simply can't do without you. That's what happens once you get a taste of heaven and it's abruptly taken away from you. It's intolerable to say the least. Now that I'm finally here for you 24/7, your grandpa is gone. Fate deals some people a rotten hand. He stands in the middle of the room, fidgeting and looking confused.

I suck in a shaky breath, pondering about how to deal with this situation. My stomach is twisting and turning in the meantime. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around your waist a bit tighter and lay my cheek on top of your head. Closing my eyes for a brief moment, I let out a sigh.

Your grandpa takes a glance at you, a small smile tugs at his lips enjoying the view of your peaceful sleep. Probably the first in a long time. But there's also pain in his eyes, I get to see it once I look up and meet his gaze. Deep down he knows to be dead, however, with a dazed look, he asks me to be sure. I simply nod my head, nibbling on my bottom lip.

"So, I—", your grandpa's voice catches my attention. His eyebrows are knitted together, as he speaks, "I'm some sort of ghost, now?", a small smile tugs at my lips. I cock an eyebrow and tilt my head to the side, "Kind of, yes," he scratches his head, letting out a long sigh. "Well at least I can still see my legs and I'm not some sort of white sheet with two eye-holes cut out," his attempt to be humorous out of all this is genuinely admirable.

I let out a soft chuckle, although I can sense my eyes brimming with fresh tears. Lightly shaking my head, I later add how deeply sorry I am that he's passed away. I wonder if he has felt any pain, yet a part of me believes that it doesn't really matter now, considering it's over. His pain, his illness, his stillness. All of it. "That's fine, Billie. I had already prepared myself for this." I give him a hesitant nod of my head, then my eyes dart towards you again.

My heart aches for you, so small, so fragile and unaware of the news. I rack my fingertips through your hair, combing some locks behind your ears. Carefully, I shift slightly to lay you down on the couch. You don't take notice of anything. I gently cup your cheek, before getting up from the spot, giving full attention to your grandpa. "She is worn out," he mutters lowly.

I look behind my shoulder and scoff, "We are talking about y/n here. Nothing could stop her from taking care of you," I grin and point out, "not even me." Your grandpa lets out a silent chuckle at my words. It doesn't take long, however, until his expression turns serious again. His frown visibly grows and his lips stir in a grimace. "She can't hear me nor see me, right?", I shake my head in response. "Sadly no, but I can help you talk to her. I'm here for you, both of you," I reach out to touch his arm, gently grazing my thumb on it.

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