6 ➟ Late

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Packing her items gave Jieun no sentimental urges to stop and take in the visuals of the small apartment she had spent the past few weeks in, if anything rushing herself to try and get out of there as soon as possible

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Packing her items gave Jieun no sentimental urges to stop and take in the visuals of the small apartment she had spent the past few weeks in, if anything rushing herself to try and get out of there as soon as possible.

TXT had allowed her to drive back home and get some of her things, giving her two hours to come back so they could bring her to their base.

Consisting of the few outfits she had packed from Osaka, her electronics, and a few hygiene essentials, packing up her things took up the lesser part of the hour, leaving her enough time to return to the museum by foot.

Pulling on the backpack that contained everything she needed, Jieun mentally reviewed the plan once more.

She had to return to her apartment with her car, then walk back to where the van was waiting outside the museum. She would then live with TXT in their headquarters until they could find out where Enhypen was, so she could meet Jake.

Or at least, that's what she told Soobin.

The exposed skin on her face recognised the icy embrace of the night air, having only gotten a break while she was inside the apartment building. Turning to take one final look at the building, Jieun suddenly noticed how big it seemed from the outside, and she wondered just how many apartments were inside there, considering how small her room was.

A five second period of attempted force of nostalgia later, Jieun went on her way, ignoring her car on the sidewalk that seemed to be confused that she was walking right past it.

Glad to see the lack of people on the streets at night, nothing was in the way of Jieun allowing herself to enjoy the trip to the museum as an intentional stroll, as she wasn't usually naive enough to walk alone at night without an important purpose.

However, living in this day and age, it wasn't long before Jieun heard heavy footsteps lugging behind her; the absence of rhythm in the steps hinting that the person was at least a little out of it.

"Hey, miss?"

A man's deep, slurred voice sounded behind her. It was clear that the man was drunk, so Jieun saw it perfectly fit to ignore him and his catcalls, awaiting his loss of interest or eventual collapsing.

It didn't bother her that much until she felt him lay a hand on her shoulder, which she couldn't ignore.

Jieun roughly shrugged his hand off, turning around with a greatly offended look on her face. The man instantly pulled his hand away, raising both of them in line with his head and taking a staggering step backwards.

His drunkenness was confirmed by the strong stench of beer that enveloped her nostrils the second her body turned towards him, and the noticeable redness on his face. His eyes were half-lidded, probably on the verge of passing out.

His eyes raised to Jieun's face, widening after a moment and seeping a smirk on his face as he swayed forward slightly.

"Wow, miss.. you're prettier than I.. thought.."

"Leave me alone, please."

Jieun ignored his comment, replying in a firm and strict tone, not a hint of tolerance in her voice. Politeness was never the solution with people who couldn't differentiate between interest and just being nice.

"Ooh, feisty, I see.. why are you out so late..? Whaddya say I take you home, miss..?"

He mumbled groggily, his eyes wandering over Jieun's body in a way that made her feel like tearing her own skin off. It sounded like he wanted her to reply with her name, which was one of the last things she wanted to do for him.

"I have things to do. Please stop following me."

"Hey hey.. I just wanna have fun.. you seem like the typa lady to like fun.. right?"

He stepped forward, resting his hand on her upper arm and sending another strong whiff of beer her way,

Like a habit, Jieun's knee jerked up and hit the man right between his legs, sending his upper half forward as he abruptly removed his hand from her arm to his crotch, a cry of pain leaving his lips.

Jieun grabbed one of his hands and twisted it behind his back as she went behind him and kicked behind his knee, forcing him to the ground with a pained grunt.

"What the hell.. you fucking bitch.. you just kicked me in the fucking balls.."

The man's voice sounded much more hoarse now, slightly muffled with his face pressed up against the pavement he had just fallen to. Jieun barely heard him, too caught up in her own thoughts on how much time she must have left until she was meant to be meeting TXT, and if she would be able to make it in time.

Keeping the man's twisted wrist in her grip, Jieun used her other hand to pull her phone out from her jacket pocket and check the time.

Letting go of the man's hand, Jieun scoffed irritatedly.

"Nice going. I have ten minutes left."

She muttered under her breath before starting off in a more hurried pace, knowing she would already be a little late.

However, she didn't get far before she felt her body being thrown aside, her back clashing painfully against the sliding gate of a convenience store, knocking the wind out of her and pinching her teeth down on the inside of her mouth, instantly drawing blood.

The same man roughly grabbed both her shoulders, squeezing them so tightly Jieun could imagine her shoulderblades grinding against each other from the pain.

"I'm not finished with you, little bitch."

He seethed out, his warm breath still reeking of alcohol so much it was almost unbearable for Jieun.

This time, Jieun simply pulled out the taser she had used on Beomgyu earlier, pressing against the switch and practically stabbing it into his neck.

His hands instantly lost all force, instead stiff and tense on her shoulders as the rest of his body started shaking back and forth vigorously, the quiet buzzing sound of the taser audible between the man's struggling gargles in his throat.

Jieun gave it about ten seconds before she pulled the taser's teeth from his neck, and he stood still for a moment before falling backwards.

She knelt down beside him, seeing his body still twitching in some places as his eyes stayed open. His chest still inflated and deflated in quick, desperate breaths.

Jieun saw that there were now two puncture marks on the skin of the man's neck, closely resembling the infamous bite marks of a vampire. The man's eyes were wide and fearful as they finally found Jieun, his beathing quickening upon seeing her.

Jieun stood up, signs of a smile hinting at the corners of her mouth.

"Have a nice night."

She said, ironically feeling better now than when she had thought she was finished with him earlier.

She said, ironically feeling better now than when she had thought she was finished with him earlier

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should i have made it more violent?
lmk your thoughts :D

a vote is highly appreciated <33

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