chapter four !

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— Luna dragged Millie to many stores, wanting to find the perfect costume her friend liked

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Luna dragged Millie to many stores, wanting to find the perfect costume her friend liked. The halloween party would be soon and Luna wanted Millie to have the best experience.

Millie found a few things she liked and decided on doing her costume DIY.

"You're gonna look so hot, Mills." Luna grinned once they entered the car. "Ethan's gonna swoon." She winked at her friend who only raised a brow.

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't noticed? Millie, he looks at you like you're the sun lighting up the sky. Love at first sight." Luna explained. "I thought he was just being nice." Millie turned over with a questioning look.

"He was, but he has the hots for you. Mills, he calls you sugar. He's got it bad." She grinned.

"I suppose, he is cute." Millie blushed at the thought of him, Luna looked at her quickly before turning back to the road.

"You're so cute! He certainly thinks so too." Luna winked at the girl and Mille only blushed more.

The familiar ringtone of her phone sounded throughout her room as she got up from her vanity where she was getting ready.

'facetime call from momma💕'

"Hi momma!" Millie answered the call and set her phone up on the mirror so she could continue getting ready. "Hi lovie! What'cha doin'?" Her mother's soft southern accent filling the room.

"I'm gettin' ready. Luna's dragging us to a halloween party." She giggled as she applied her makeup. "Oh dear, the more you tell me about that girl the more I worry. She's quite the firecracker that girl." Her mother teased.

"She is, but I love her anyway." Millie grinned. "How's it goin' back home?" She asked softly. "Well, I was able to convince Old man Peters to keep the diner open. Y'know how he was so eager to sell it." Her mother explained.

Scott Peters or also known as 'Old man Peters' was a big part of Millie and her brothers lives. When they moved to town with their mother, he took them in with open arms.

Offering her mother a job at the diner he owned, and making it a kid friendly place since Millie and Micheal were always there.

"I'm glad you convinced him, the diner ain't as good without him."

"How's college treatin' you, honey?" Her mother changed the topic. "Any boys?" Her mother smirked as Millie blushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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