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♡ ⠀๋⠀᳝ ୨୧ lady, hear me tonight!⠀๋⠀᳝ ✧

♡ ⠀๋⠀᳝ ୨୧ chapter 1⠀๋⠀᳝ ✧drugs  and  problems  ! 

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♡ ⠀๋⠀᳝ ୨୧ chapter 1⠀๋⠀᳝ ✧
drugs  and  problems  ! 

𝗡ow they were fucked.
Robby and Bianca were both sitting in front of the headmaster.
They had been caught selling drugs to people outside of the school.
And you'll be wondering: what is wrong with them? don't they even know how to sell drugs without getting caught?

Well the truth is they had been doing this since a long time ago, the problem began the moment in which the biology teacher appeared right next to them after selling the little they had left of crack.

─ Hey it was a productive a day!

Bianca said, actually proud of Robby and herself.

─ Hell yeah it was, can't believe we sold all that in a couple of hours.

Right after Robby said that, Mrs. Harris walked out of the main door of the school.

─ Hey! What are you guys doing?

That was all Mrs. Harris had to say to make Bianca and Robby start to run like dogs with rabies down the street.

Turns out, Mrs. Harris started running too.

❝ What is wrong with that woman? Isn't she like 60? ❞ Bianca said while running for her life.
For Bianca, it was like they had been running during like 20 minutes, when they hardly got far away from the school, or Mrs. Harris.

A few moments later, Bianca tripped with her own shoelaces and ended up eating the pavement.

After that, the biology teacher reached them and took them to the principal's office.

Yes, what a productive day.

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Do you guys even know the problems that this can get you in? Both of you can end up in juvie!

Neither Robby or Bianca answered to the headmaster. Of course they were aware of the trouble that selling drugs could get them in, they weren't fucking stupid.
Both of them just started selling drugs because they needed money.

Well life out of school wasn't very nice for Bianca and Robby.

Robby's mom was always here and there, it was like a cycle: she meets a new guy, they meet in a bar, they go home and fuck, she leaves him; and then the cycle starts again.
Robby's mom always tells him that she will be back in a couple of days but she never does, so Robby gets to stay alone in his apartment for a few weeks.

That was until he met Bianca, the girl had some trouble back home too, but Robby doesn't know what happened to her since she never wants to talk about it. Everytime the topic pops in a conversation, she always avoids it and starts talking about whatever.

Even thought Bian never talked about her home life, when she came to Robby's appartment crying one day, (a few weeks later after they started being friends) the boy didn't think about it twice and let her stay for the night.

And that's how they became besties.

─ Well now i'm calling your parents.

Oh the headteacher, i forgot she was there.

─ Come on ma'm, there's no need to do that. We both learned the lesson, we won't do it again, now please let us walk to class and we will never make you lose your time again.

❝ Why did Bianca said that? She never really cares when we're sent to the office and she makes jokes of it most of the time. ❞ That was the first thing that came into Robby's mind.
Why did she care so much?

Well if she was a rory gilmore type of girl who really makes an effort to get good grades and never gets in trouble, he would get that she didn't want her parents to notice that they had been selling pot... But Bianca?

─ Well I can't believe you, Ms. Monroe, not after all the damage that you two have done to this school.
Do i have to remind you that you said the same thing when we got both of you painting graffiti on the teachers' lockers?

─ But ma'm that was-
─ No, that's it, I'm tired of you two.
You're expelled! And i'm still calling your parents! Now get out of my office and go home.

Bianca and Robby shared a stare, this wasn't happening.

When the two friends got out from the principal door of the school, they started to walk to Robby's appartment.
Luckily, it wasn't too far from the school.

─ Now i guess we're in real trouble.
─ It's not that deep Bian, we weren't going to that classes anyway.
─ I know, I know, it's just that I don't think my mom is going to like receiving a call from school.
─ Hey you never told me about what was going on with your parents back home, is everything okay?

Truth is, nothing was okay.
Bian didn't want to tell Robby but she became independent a few months ago.
Her parents had divorced, her mom was now a drug addict and with her dad...

Well, she never got along with him, he was working on another state when one day he called her mom and told her that he wanted the divorce.
He met another woman and fell in love with her, and the fucking asshole left Bianca's mom with a phone call.
What a pussy.

Bianca didn't want to live with her mother anymore, she didn't even recognise her now; so she ran away.

She stayed at an hotel for a few weeks with the money that she had, but after a few months, she had nothing left and needed to find a way to survive.

At the same time, Bianca met Robby and they became good friends, so the night that the hotel's receptionist kicked her out cause she was missing rent, Bianca ran into Robby's appartment; so now she was staying there ever since.

─ Yeah everything's fine you don't need to worry. Hey do you wanna stop at that café and get something to eat?

Bianca looked at Robby like a puppy will look at you when he wants to get his favourite snack.

How could he say no? After all, she was his best friend, and the only person he knew that would always have his back.

─ Sure, dealing with all this shit made me hungry.
─ The one who arrives last is a rotten egg!

And then, they started running again.

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


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𖥻 HAD the idea of writing this a long ago, i'm so happy that i finally made it 💘

𖥻 PLEASE don't be a ghost reader and vote, votes are always appreciated here!

𝒍𝖾𝐞n͟  2024 !

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