Chapter 1 - Dialysis

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Elliot sat at his desk, flipping through the same stack of paperwork he'd had for days now. He tapped the end of his pen on the wooden desktop, reading through everything for the millionth time.

By signing the following documents, you are signing away your right to sue The Apex Games and its affiliates.

That was the line he was struggling with. The rest of the papers promised that the legends would have complete safety and would come out unharmed, so he couldn't grasp why absolutely anyone would want to sue the game makers. He had spoken with Ramya to get her take on it and she was convinced that it was just for the company's general protection. After all, the normal contract they signed before every game had the same line.

But the real games could kill them. It's not like they were being promised safety, so why would this one have the same line?

Elliot turned his swivel chair to face the rest of his room while he thought. The room acted as a temporary housing situation where game participants were held before every match. Usually, he'd just stay the night, but since he was required to stay longer this time, he brought a few extra things from home to make the place more his own.

On move-in day, the other players all had the same idea, bringing in bedding, printed photos and posters, and even whole furniture pieces to keep with them. Since everyone settled in two days ago, it's been more interesting than ever to see how everyone's lives differed. Dr. Sommers gathered everyone the night everyone moved in to organize a meal prep sheet so that she could make sure the massive building was stocked full of everyone's favorites. But what started as a shopping list became people signing up to make meals for the rest of the group together. Since they were sharing a renovated apartment complex, it made sense to do it that way, but last night's dinner cooked by Kai and Loba didn't exactly turn out well. It ended with the contents of a pot being set on fire while the two got into yet another argument, so everyone was left to fend for themselves for dinner instead. Elliot begged the complex's bodyguards to let them just order pizza or something, but since they weren't allowed to have any sort of connections to the outside while prepping for the games, he was left to figure it out on his own.

Elliot picked a picture frame up from his desk and smiled. It was a picture of him and his mom, one that he treasured dearly. Having to go away this long was a little scary to him, but he knew he was leaving her in the hands of a very capable doctor who was usually hired to be with her whenever Elliot went off to compete. I gotta write her another letter, Elliot thought to himself. He knew he wouldn't be able to send it, but getting to pretend like he was talking to his mother always helped him clear his mind.

A knock at the door pulled him away from the picture frame. He gently laid it down and got up from the chair, nearly tripping on his duffle bag as he stepped towards the door. His room was quite small, but it was only temporary so he was learning to live with it.

On the other side of his door stood Pathfinder, the screen on his chest indicating his contentment with a yellow happy face. Upon seeing his best friend, Pathfinder waved. "Dinner is ready and I was sent to tell you."

Elliot shook his head. "Not hungry, but thanks."

Elliot moved to close the door, but Pathfinder reached out a hand to stop it before it shut. "But eating three meals a day is healthy. You only had one meal, therefore you need two more: dinner and the dinner after that."

Elliot stared at Pathfinder for a moment, slightly confused. "I'm not eating two dinners."

"How about I make you breakfast?" Pathfinder asked. "You need to consume food."

"Path you're confusing me. Just close my door, alright? I'll eat later. I promise."

Pathfinder nodded. "Okay, friend! I will make sure to set out two plates of food with your name on them. Goodbye, friend!" Pathfinder left, but to Elliot's annoyance, he didn't close the door. Again. You'd think a robot would learn to be able to close a door eventually.

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