Latin "quotes" collection

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Cum Deo, pro patria et libertate! = With God for the country and freedom!

(II: Rákóczi Ferencz's and his rebellion's motto)

Fortuna caeca est = Luck is blind.

Historia est magistrate vitae. = History is the teacher of life.

Regnum Marianum = "Mary country" (my country, Hungary)

Asinus ad lyram. = Donkey to the lute (aka they don't understand shit)

Qui habet tempus, habet vitam. = Who wins (/has) time, wins life.

Non scholae, sed vitae discimus. = You don't learn for school, you learn for life.

Lupus in fabula. = Wolf in the tale.

Sub rosa = Under the roses (in secret)

Inter arma silent Musae. = Between weapons the Muses are silent.

Hannibal ante portas (est). = Hannibal is in front of the gates.

Aurora Musis amica (est). = The night is the friend of Muses.

Casus Belli = Reason for war

A sagitis Hungarorum libera nos Domine. = From the arrows of the Hungarians save us our Lord.

Sors bona, nihil aliud. = Just good luck, nothing else.

Nomen est omen. = The name is an omen/obligation. (I can't translate it into English well)

In vino veritas. = In wine truth.

Repetito est mater studiorum. = Repetition is the mother of knowledge.

Quid licet Iovi non licet bovi. = What is allowed for Jupiter is not allowed for the little ox. (???)

Roma regina urbium = Rome, the queen of cities

Urbi et orbit. = For the city and the world. (Pope's blessing)

Et te mi Fili Bruti? = You too my son Brutus?

Quid scripsi, scripsi. = What I wrote, I wrote

Ut sementem feverish, ita metes. = What you sow, you reap.

Horrible dictu. = Even saying it is horrible.

Ex fructu abor cognoscitur. = From the fruit the tree is recognized.

Varietas delectat. = Variety delights.

Auditor et altera pars! = Let the other party be heard as well!

Sit tibi terra levis! = May the Earth be light for you!

Requiescat in pace! = Rest in peace!

Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses. = If you just stayed silent, you could have stayed wise.

Ovidius - Tristia (Sadness):
Done eris felix, multos numerabis amicos,
Tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris.

While you're lucky, you'll have many friends,
If the skies are grey, you'll be alone.

Veni, vidi, vici. = I came, I saw, I won.

Divide et impera! = Divide and rule!

Mors quid sit, rogatus, si scirem, mortuus essem. = What is death, you ask, if I knew, I would be dead.

Vinum regum, rex vinorum. = Wine of kings, king of wines. (My country's greatest wine, Tokaji aszú)

Ego sum via, veritas, et vita. = I am the way, the truth, and life.

Nota bene! = Remember this well!

Dum Spiro, spero. = I'm still breathing, I hope. (Prohászka Ottokár)

Sic transit gloria mundi. = So the glory of the world passes like this.

Soli Deo gloria! = The glory is God's alone!

Sapiens omnia secum portat. = The wise brings everything with them.

Tolle, lege! = Take it, read it!

Fortes fortuna adiuvat. = Fortune favors the brave.

Concordia civium - murus urbium. = The harmony of the citizens is the protection of the city.

Post nubila Phoebus. = After the clouds, serenity.

Ad maiorem Dei gloriam! = For God's greater glory!

Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat. = Christ vmwins, Christ reigns, Christ rules.

Ars longa, vita brevis. = Art is long, life is short.

Ab ovo = From the start. (Literally: from the egg. Romans started their dinners with eggs and ended them with various fruits. So the whole saying goes; from the eggs to the apples. From the start to the end.)

Memento mori. = Remember the dead.
Memento vivere. = Remember to live.

Ora et labora! = Pray and work!

Deo gratias! = Thank God!

Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant! = Hail Caesar, those going to death greet you!

Ubi Tu es Caius, ego Caia. = Where you're Caius, I am Caia. (Wedded people's vows.)

Cave canem! = Beware of the dog! (From Pompeii)


Disco in Latin means 'to learn'.


Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur. = A friend in need is a friend indeed. ( I looked it up bc I couldn't translate it)

Mors certa, hora incerta. = Death is sure, the time is uncertain.

Ex fructus arbor cognoscitur. = A tree is known by its fruit. (Also looked this up)


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