Charlene-Chapter 15

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Fuck. I'm late. I know I'll be late to class and the teacher will be a bitch about it. I hate being late but it's not my fault. All the traffic on my way back from that whole encounter made me late. 

I walk into class and all pairs of eyes turn to me. Luckily the teacher just ignores me and continues teaching. I take a seat at the very back, where Lisa is. "What'd I miss."

"Not much." She whispers. "The teacher's just talking about features in technology."

Good, I didn't miss anything important. As I settle into my seat Angela turns back in her chair slightly and our eyes meet. She immediately whips around and faces the front again. What's her deal.

For the rest of the lesson Mr.Miller just goes on about how tech is all around us and how coding will help in real life. Whatever whatever.

Finally, after that painful hour, it's time to go home. When I tell you I book it, I book it. I don't want to be here anymore than the next person. I run out the classroom with pretty much the rest of the class doing the same. The feeling toward Mr.Miller is mutual. I always got a weird vibe from him. I've been around enough drug dealing, murderous and just shady men in my life to know my instincts are right. As I walk to detention I realise that I left my tech book in the classroom.

I curse at myself and head back. I'm gonna be late to detention if I don't hurry.

"Or else I'll fail you." Before I go into the classroom Mr.Miller's voice comes to me and I stop.

"I-I.." I hear a high pitched voice after his. A familiar high pitched voice. A high pitched voice from no one else but Angela's. "Please don't do this."

"I won't. Unless you do it." 

"I...I won't be manipulated into doing something with a teacher. Even if they fail me." That's my girl. A grin finds my lips.

"And what if I tell the principal you're acting out in class? Hmm?"

I check my watch. 3:17. At this point I'm gonna be late. My hand finds the gun strapped to my thigh and I step into the room, aiming it to him.

"Then I'll have t do something about that."

"What the fuck!" Miller instantly takes a step back from surprise.

A screech comes from Angela. "Angela, come here."

She instantly runs towards me. I take out my phone while still holding up the gun. I can't just babysit this little bitch so I'll need to get someone else to. Luckily, I have the perfect person to handle this. I start dialling.

"Esther, I have a task for you."


I walk into detention. The teacher gave me an additional 5 minutes just because I was a few minutes late. That's when I see a familiar face. My little butterfly. I take a seat next to her, a kang getting detention? Never thought I'd see the perfect family having such a smudge on their reputation.

"Detention?" I whisper into her ear. 

She rolls her eyes. Still sassy I see. "Yea, same as you."

The look in her eye tells me there's more to the story. I don't ask though. I'll just find out anyways when I do my weekly info refresh on her. "I'm guessing the teacher's are having a tantrum with skirts then huh?"

She giggles a bit. "Hey, no talking."

We end our conversation on a smirking note. After detention we both say our goodbyes. Maybe Detention wasn't so bad after all. Though, I still have to deal with the little shit. It just puts me in a worse mood. It's fine though. He'll pay for it later down the road.


"DETENTION!?" A booming voice comes from right infront of me right as I enter the penthouse.

"Dad." I sigh. I knew he would react strongly, but not this strongly.

He slaps me across the face. Whatever, it's not like this is any different.

"Fucking hell. Can't you just not be a whore and not roll up your skirt." He snatches my wrist so tight it hurts.

I don't react, I can't. Showing weakness would just make his controlling ego sky rocket.

"And for god's sake, even after detention your skirt is still rolled up."

I stare at the ground, making no sound, no movement. "SAY SOMETHING."

It's then something different comes from one of his cookie cutter lectures. A blunt blow comes to my face and I feel my nose crunch and twist in a way that isn't supposed to under his fist. I hold my nose and see so much blood pour from it. I pick myself up into a sitting position from the floor.

I start laughing hysterically. "Look what you've done." My laughter becomes so intense my shoulders shake up and down, it does hurt my nose like hell but it's uncontrollable.


Now that I physically have proof that my dad beats me, it's over for him.

I look up at him. "Just imagine, 'Kang daughter comes out with broken nose. Dad physically beats her.' What would that do to the company? Stock value would plumet, you'll probably go bankrupt." A shit eating grin comes across my face.

"Sarah." His fake concern makes me sick. 

"Shut the fuck up." I put a stop to it before he can say more. I pick myself up and move past him. "If you don't want me to go to the public you better call off this wedding. You know you'll be better off without it. Now get the fuck out my house."

"Technically it's mine." A deep voice comes from the top of the stairs.

"How long have you been here?" I get some frozen peas from the freezer and press it on my nose.

"Long enough to get the whole thing on camera." He makes his way down the stairs towards my father. "And if you ever come into this house unwanted ever again, I'll send this video out to the public so fast you won't have a dime to your name before you know it."

Well, he sure likes to make an entrance. I never thought he would help in any way whatsoever.

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