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July 7, 2023

Mingi and Yunho were standing in front of a large house. Yunho hadn't said a word since they got here. Mingi looked around thoughtfully. The area seemed strange. There were hardly any people to be seen. The buildings looked like ruins.

"Now I know why you couldn't find anyone here," Mingi joked. Yunho sighed. "An old woman lives on the third floor. She said that almost everyone who used to live here has moved out." Mingi nodded. "Let's go inside."

They entered the huge house and Yunho led Mingi to the right apartment. "We have to get in there somehow," Yunho said. "But isn't that forbidden?" Mingi wanted to object and Yunho had to chuckle. "Have you forgotten that you're part of the mafia now?" Mingi nodded. "Right." Yunho took a step back and Mingi did the same. Then Yunho pushed forward and with a loud noise, he pushed the door open with his shoulder. Mingi just stood there, as this was looking more attractive than he would have thought.

"Are you coming?" Yunho asked after Mingi didn't move. Mingi shook his head and walked into the apartment with Yunho. Although what they found looked more like a ruin than an apartment.

"Well, I'm pretty sure no one has lived here for a long time," Mingi said in amazement and looked around. His eyes scanned the room. "Looks like there was a fire here, don't you think?" Yunho said, pointing to the walls, which had huge black stains. The floor was also black and dusty. "Now that you mention it, it smells like that too," Mingi said.

Together they walked through the rooms. Apart from a broken bed and an old wardrobe, there was nothing in this apartment. "So what do we do now?" Yunho asked once they were back in the hallway. "We have to find out who lived here at that time," Mingi said. "And how are you going to do that?" Yunho asked.

"First we have to find out who was the landlord at the time." Yunho nodded. "We should drive home now, it's getting dark," Mingi agreed. They left the building and the queasy feeling in Mingi's stomach finally disappeared. They got back into Yunho's car and drove off. Mingi had no idea where all this would take them, but he had the feeling that they were closer to the truth than they thought.


It was really dark outside when Yunho's car stopped in front of the big house. After he woke Mingi up, they both got out and a short time later they entered the house and Mingi felt at ease again.

The light was still on in the living room. As almost always, San was sitting alone on the couch watching TV. "Welcome back," he said and popped a chip into his mouth. Yunho and Mingi greeted him too.

"There's still some food in the pot. Seonghwa has been cooking," San added after a while. "Are the others already asleep?" Yunho wanted to know while he took off his clothes. San shrugged his shoulders. "I think Yeosang has been gone since this afternoon and the other two were barely here either."

Mingi sat down next to San while Yunho took out two plates. Mingi had the feeling that he was liking San more and more every day. "What did you do today?" Mingi asked with interest and San looked up from his bowl. "Mostly watching TV," San said. Mingi wanted to say something back, but Yunho called him to dinner.

"I'm going to sleep. I'm pretty tired," San said after a while and got up. Mingi, who was sitting next to Yunho at the table, looked after him.
"Do you also have the feeling that San seems lonely?"

Yunho looked up. "No, he's always been like that. He's more the quiet type and listens instead of talking himself. That's why we're best friends," Yunho said. "You haven't done much together lately, have you?" Mingi asked, feeling a little guilty. He knew all too well what it was like when friends had finally found a partner and suddenly had hardly any time left. When Wooyoung had gotten together with Felix back then, they had sometimes not seen each other for weeks.

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