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~The President's P.O.V~

I had been hearing some gossips lately, regarding Minji's behavior. Well, being the heartthrob that she was, there was always gossips about him. The gossips contained mainly the young women's fantasies. But this time it was different.

There was a rumor going on that he was showing unusual interest in someone. I didn't pay any heed to it at first, but recently I found out something interesting that made me believe those rumors.

The other day when I was at the second floor signing some papers, the manager filled me in with some important news. Minji had been meeting a kid everyday and bringing him candies. Did she get possessed by a ghost or something!

"So, I heard some interesting things!" I exclaimed while entering her office.

"You always hear interesting things. What is it this time?" She asked while typing, without looking at me.

"You created quite a ruckus at the planning department, the other day. So, I asked Mrs. Choi about the details. Why are you threatening the poor girl! What was her name again! Hanni, right!" I asked raising my eyebrows

Why would I threaten anyone? It was for business purpose. Mr. Park specially in-invited her!" She stuttered.

This time, she answered looking at me, not on her work. Who was she trying to fool! I could read through her expression that she was lying. There was definitely something going on.

"I was told that she has a kid but no one to look after him. That's why she refused. Why don't you tell her to leave the kid to me for the evening!" I suggested to see her reaction.

And it was worth a try. Her reaction was worth looking at. She widened her eyes the instant I mentioned the kid.

"And why would you do that!" She asked sitting still.

"Oh! You know how I like having kids around! Plus that kid is so adorable!" I exclaimed.

She just nodded her head at my reply and kept staring at the space as if she had seen a ghost. I left her there to collect herself.

~Time skip~


I stood there in front of the mirror, looking at my dress. I was wearing a full sleeve black dress that went up to my knees. I decided to leave my hair untied.

"Mommy, you look so pwetty. Just like a pwincess!" Mj said while tugging at my dress with his little hand.

Just the thought of leaving my innocent baby to the care of total strangers, gave me nightmares. I was told that, Mj will be taken care of properly while I attend the function. But my motherly instincts scared the hell out of me.

I was almost finished getting ready, when I heard the car's honking. Realizing that my ride had arrived, I picked up Mj and went out of my apartment.

There was a red Mercedes waiting for me. As I walked closer with Mj in my arms, the car door suddenly opened, revealing the President. I got confused.

"Miss Lee Hanni! Don't be startled. I'm here to pick up Mj. I will be the one looking after him, if it is okay with you!" She asked giving me a bright smile.

I just nodded at her as a reply and put my kid down.

"Be a good kid okay! Don't be naughty!" I advised him and then left a kiss on his cheek.

"Minji's car will be here soon to pick you up. By the way, you look lovely, Miss Hanni!" She said and then left with Mj.

I just stood there and left a sigh. My life was getting much more complicated than I thought it to be. I didn't understand what was happening anymore.

I was lost in my thoughts, when a black Mercedes stopped in front of me. The backseat window went down, revealing Ms. Minji she took a good look at me and then signalled me to get in the car.

There I was, sitting in a car with one of the most influential business man of South Korea. Who also happened to be the Parent of my child.


I could see the gathering in front of the hall. Reporters, cameras, paparazzi, bodyguards and what not. Many enthusiasts would call it a dream come true, but it could turn into a nightmare any time soon.

What would happen if the world came to know about the truth! Would it be a blessing or a curse!


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