Chapter 3: You Got a Deal

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QUEEN BEE: Someone who assumes they are at the top of everything. The appoint themselves as Queen of Everything they see. Celeste is often depicted as the Queen Bee of the world, as she could quite literally buy it with her billions.

Treasure could clearly see that those depictions were true the second she entered the S.A.N.Y building. Pictures of Celeste lined the pure white walls, aswell as magazines on the coffee tables and various holograms of her saying her signature catchphrase "Artificial Facades Are Key". The phrase made Treasure's head hurt, as if there was more to it than she let on when saying it.

Shrugging off the thought, she quickly approaches the front desk. The lady sitting behind the desk had a kind smile on her face, and Treasure quickly calculates that she can't be older than 18. 


"Hello! What can I help you with?" The lady asks, her light brown eyes meeting Treasure's dark ones. 

"Hi..." Treasure quickly glances at her name tag: Evelyn Wallace. "Evelyn. The CEO of S.A.N.Y invited me for a meeting."

Evelyn nods and types something on the computer. Her eyes widen at the results, but she covers it up with a cough. "Ah, you must be Treasure Rodriguez! Yes, you can go straight in. Take the elevator, it's the 20th floor." 

Treasure nods and walks over to the elevator. It opens and a lady looking disgruntled steps out, muttering a quick "Excuse me" to Treasure and dashing past her. Treasure looks after her, confused on why she's in such a rush. Shrugging to herself, she enters the elevator and clicks 20.

The door slams shut and the elevator shudders before gently taking off. Treasure chuckles and takes out her phone. "A billionaire but can't afford a good elevator?" Treasure jokes, scrolling through Tiktok.

After a while the elevator arrives at the 20th floor. The door snaps open and the smell of perfume instantly infiltrates Treasure's nose. She covers her mouth and nose, stepping out of the elevator. The corridor leading up to Celeste's office was lined with merchandise. All types of tech were placed on marble, swirly pillars. As she approached a gadget looking like a gun, a hologram formed infront of her. 

"Hi, Welcome to S.A.N.Y Industries! My name is Celeste Sebastian, the C.E.O! What you're looking at right now is the last Chrome Rifle in the WORLD! Cool, right? I know, cause I made it. This isn't the only gadget here, though. As you make your way to my office, you'll see alot more of my creations!" The hologram shuts off, and Treasure realizes she was holding her breath. What was that?!

Treasure's heart was beating out of her chest. Why was that hologram so life-like? Even though she was speaking like an A.I, the imagery of Celeste was realistic. "She's beautiful.." Treasure mutters, clutching her chest as if to stop her heart rate from increasing. Treasure had only seen the Queen Bee on TV, in commercials advertising her company. But seeing her in the Hologram was like seeing her in real life! Her flowy jet black hair running down her shoulders, her glossy lips encouraging you to explore inside, her snatched waist begging you to put your hands around it, and her curves being outlined. Treasure felt as if she could drool.

Shaking those nasty, gay feelings away, Treasure continued on her walk to the office. She forced herself not to approach the items on display just to see Celeste again, which took a bunch of will power. She arrives at the door, but before she can push it open she hears yelling.

"Do you even care? You're wasting my time!" A dark, feminine voice yells, followed by glass shattering.

"Stop being obtuse, the answer's right there!" It yells again, and this time Treasure pushes open the door.

She's greeted with the scene of Celeste Sebastian stepping on a woman's neck, glaring down at her. Under normal circumstances, she would've yelled at Celeste to get off the poor woman, but she was so mesmerized by her goddess-like appearance that she can't help but smile in a dumb manner.

Celeste grins back at her, licking her glossy lips and stepping off of the woman. She approaches Treasure and puts her hands around her waist, planting a small kiss on her cheek. "Hello, Ms. Rodriguez. I have an offer for you." 

Completely forgetting that Celeste was literally about to murder someone, Treasure nods her head frantically.

"Your Uncle and family will be safe, If you date me."


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