Chapter 5|||®

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Sara's POV

Jaden have been the BESTEST BOYFRIEND IN MY LIFE, he always been checking me out, calling me, asking me if I'm okay, Wanna see?


Good morning ml.

Good morning baby.

How are you princess.

I'm good and you?

I'm good, did you eat.

Yes I did.

And umm remember that we still have the trip to LA in 2 days cuz we couldn't go because you know, me and you when I ask you out.

Oh yes I didn't forgot about that.

So okay princess ttyl have to go to my game love you 💕

Okay jade love you too🩷 coming right.

Yes I am, with Javon.

K bye princess.

Bye jade.

*End of chat*

See? And now I'm going to his game with Javon cuz Jayla is busy so you know.

I got in the car with Javon.

Hey jav - I said putting my seatbelt.

Hey sasa - he said preparing to drive.

Love the nickname thoo - I said snapping

I just created it by nowhere - he said focused in the car.

We got to the game and we sat at the bleachers.

Ooh yeah I can see my mann - I said smiling.

Oh Lord - Javon said rolling his eyes jokingly.

Jaden team was winning and we was cheering

Let's go babyyyyy - I yelled.

Woo you got this - Javon yelled too.

Well...jadens team won like always💅🫣🙄, but anyways i went running to jaden and he picked me up.

Omg yes babyyy you won - I said happy.

Yes I did, ty for being here always - he said giving me a kiss.

Good job bro - Javon said to Jaden.

Thank you brother - Jaden said hugging Javon.

So what are we doing today - I said while walking to Javon's car with them.

I don't know maybe just stay home cuz I'm actually tired. - Jaden said going into the back seat.

Okay then - I said while sitting next to him.

We got home and Jaden went upstairs to his things and I just stayed with my FAV daelo playing Roblox cuz we wanted to soo I have to give my FAV what he wants right?

Haha I beat you - he said laughing

Okay okay I'ma beat YOU for the next one - I said getting up.

Where you going - he said.

To jadens room - I said.

Oh okay - he said while still playing.

But wait let's take a picture together - I said.

Okay - he said.

We talked the picture ( I'ma show it to y'all in a little) and then I went to Jadens room. I opened the door cuz you know, and I saw shirtless Jaden laying in his bed, playing with the PS5 OMFG HE LOOKED SO HOT.

Uh hey Jade - I said blushing.

Oh hey baby - he said while focusing on his game.

Can I lay with you - I said.

Of course, you don't have to ask me that, come on - he said.

Okayy - I said while laying next to him and hugging him.

Jaden got his hand around me but still playing his game, I was that bored that I decided to post the picture with daelo


(Just pretend that, that is daelo and Sara)

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(Just pretend that, that is daelo and Sara)

With my FAV Walton, @onwardmumps

Liked by @onwardnation, @tribe6strong?? (I think that is Jessica's insta) And 509,564 more, and 209,843 comments.

@onwardmumps:  love you sara💗

^love you too little boy😊💖

@jaylawaltonofficial: y'all so cutee😭

^ty jayy.

@tribe6strong: I love you and daelo together, he seems that he loves you😘

^ikr thanks Jessie💖


It passed 1 hour and Jaden was still in his game, it was sad so I just decided to leave cuz I thought he was ignoring me

I'm leaving - I said while getting up.

Where are you going - Jaden said while grabbing my hand.

Home, cuz I came here to cuddle or watch a movie with you but you just left me here, so keep playing you stupid game. - I said while getting up again.

You're not going anywhere, here see I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I left you there just dont leave - Jaden said while grabbing me by my waist, putting me close to him.

Okay fine I forgive you, but don't you dare do that to me again - I said.

Okay baby - Jaden said then grabbed my face and kissed my, while it turned to a make out.

I was taking breath cuz it was a long kiss, then Jaden grabbed me and put my laying over him.

Good night princess - Jaden said while giving me a pack in my head.

Night my love - I said 


Okay here is where chapter 5 endsss

I love y'all for like the 60 reads. Tyy

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And remember GO TO SLEEP GURLSS.😤🙄💅


I love you ~ Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now