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Most people believed that Sunghoon was strict about a lot of things, not as much as Jay or Heeseung but more than Jake, and they were wrong. Sunghoon was actually quite lenient. He usually let the maknae line get away with a lot simply because he didn't know how to confront them and keep them in line. Sunghoon would sometimes even go as far as helping the maknaes cover up something they had done. He just didn't want them to get in trouble and it was easier to do when the older members were not around. Wehn they were however, Sunghoon had no choice but to scold and take part in lecturing Sunoo, Jungwon or Niki about whatever it was that got them on the receiving end of a scolding. However, that did not mean that there were not certain things that did not get on Sunghoon's nerves, especially if he pointed them out and his warnings were ignored with ease.

Exactly like what Sunoo was doing right now. The line between hyung and friend was a blurry one for Sunoo and Sunghoon. They were more inclined to just messing around and teasing each other, acting like friends over anything else but Sunghoon, when it was necessary, was not shy about correcting Sunoo if he was using banmal. There was a time and place for things. In their CEO's office in a formal meeting while Heeseung was actively boasting about how good all the members were and how they rarely ever were in need of correction, which was a clear lie but luckily the older man did not comment on the tall tales that Heeseung was spinning for the good of his team's image, was not the time or place for Sunoo to be a brat. 

"Sunoo-ah, I am not going to tell you again. Keep your hands to yourself and stop poking me" Sunghoon kept his voice low, hoping that no one would notice him or Sunoo. The last thing that he wanted was to involuntarily disprove every word coming out of Heeseung's mouth, even though everyone in the room knew the oldest was lying. Sunoo pouted but he did cross his arms so Sunghoon left him alone. Before long, Sunoo was at it again and this time, Sunghoon really had enough. He lightly swatted the younger kid's thigh, giving Sunoo a pointed look that was warning him to stop messing around and act professional. 

"Is something the matter?" Bang PD wondered, bringing Heeseung's senseless rambling to a halt.

"Not at all, PD-nim. I'm sorry to interrupt" Sunghoon smiled politely, pinching Sunoo's hand under the cover of the desk to keep the younger quiet. Sunoo glared at him but wisely kept his mouth closed. 

"Very well, I believe I have heard enough. I do not appreciate being lied to though" The aging man stood up, looking at Heeseung for the last statement, causing the oldest to blush and hang his head. He was only trying to sing his members' praises but he might have taken it too far. 

"All of you go on home. I would like to talk alone to Heeseung-ah" Bang PD stated. Jay was quick in herding the members out of the office and letting the door close behind them. As soon as they were outside the office, Sunghoon caught Sunoo's arm and started to smack him.

"You do not act like a brat when we are in a meeting with our PD-nim! Have you lost your mind?!" Sunghoon scolded, turning Sunoo to face him.

"I was bored! Heeseung was the one who kept dragging it on and on!" Sunoo retorted.

"Heeseung!?" Sunghoon screeched, tightening his hold on the kid. Sunoo whined lowly, trying to pull his arm away and failing. They were interrupted by the sound of a belt whisking through the air inside the office and all six younger members turned their eyes to the door. They knew what was happening inside the room and felt bad for their oldest hyung. Sunghoon's attention was diverted by Sunoo slipping his arm out of Sunghoon's grasp and taking off down the hallway.

"Damnit!" Sunghoon huffed, following his oldest dongsaeng and catching Sunoo quickly.


"I have had enough of your behavior! You have been nothing but a brat since we got here" Sunghoon lectured.

"Get off!" Sunoo snapped back.

"I don't think so. You are not going anywhere until you apologize! Do you have any idea how bad you made us look in there!? Heeseung-hyung was doing his best to make us look professional and you are messing it up the whole time by acting like a child!" Sunghoon lectured, continuing to lay down spank after spank.

"Alright, I'm sorry! Now stop" Sunoo huffed. 

"Excuse me!?" Sunghoon's voice rose in pitch and he stood Sunoo back up, having the kid tucked under his arm up until then. Sunoo knew he had crossed a line but he didn't know what to say to get out of the mess he had put himself in.

"You do not tell me what to do! I am your hyung in case you forgot that. I guess it's my fault if you did but I won't be letting it happen again! You do not speak to me like that and you most certainly do not ignore me if I tell you to do something. Do you understand?" Sunghoon waved his finger in Sunoo's face, feeling somewhat like his mom or Heeseung. 

"Whatever" Sunoo rolled his eyes. Sunghoon grabbed him roughly by the arm and pulled him outside, practically shoving Sunoo into the car that was to take them back to the dorm. Sunghoon stayed quiet while they waited for Heeseung to join them. Sunoo tried to engage in conversation with Niki, turning his body away from Sunghoon.

"Sorry Niki, but Sunoo is in trouble right now. No one is to talk to him" Sunghoon gave a sympathetic look to the maknae. Niki looked at Sunoo but just nodded and turned to Jungwon instead, restarting his conversation. Jungwon nodded along, barely paying attention as he was more focused on his phone until Jake noticed and snatched the leader's phone, motioning to their maknae. Jungwon pouted as he noticed Jake slipping the younger's phone into his pocket. Jungwon had no idea when he would get it back.

"What the fuck!?" Sunoo's head snapped around to glare at Sunghoon.

"Watch your mouth" Sunghoon responded calmly. He knew what he was doing. He had taken the move from his mother, who had put both him and his sister on a speaking timeout in the car, on two different occasions, because they were being sassy or disrespectful. Sunoo's mouth dropped open and he turned back to Niki to resume their conversation until Sunghoon tugged on Sunoo's hair and shook his head. Heeseung came out a few minutes later, limping somewhat and with red eyes and a red nose to match. No one commented on his appearance, not even the manager, and just asked him if he was okay to which Heeseung nodded in the affirmative and they began the drive home. Sunghoon pulled Sunoo into their shared room once they got to the dorm, wasting no time in turning the kid over his knee. Sunghoon was confident that Sunoo knew why he was there so there was little point in dragging the whole ordeal out.

"I have never had any problem with us messing around but there is a time and place for that! In our PD-nim's office in an official meeting is not the place to be doing that! Especially after I have already told you multiple times. To. Behave!" Sunghoon scolded, letting his hand do half the talking for him as well. Sunoo had already begun crying so Sunghoon was taking it somewhat easy on him. All in all, the spanking wasn't nearly as bad as it would have been if Sunoo had mouthed off to Heeseung but he was still in tears by the end of it and did not shy away from cuddling up beside Sunghoon.

"I'm sorry hyung" Sunoo whimpered, clinging to Sunghoon's shirt. 

"Shh, I know. It's okay, Sunnie" Sunghoon assured him, running a hand up and down Sunoo's back. They stayed like that for some time before Sunghoon carried his oldest kid downstairs, being met with the sight of Heeseung curled up on the couch, his head resting in Jake's lap while the younger gently played with his hair. Niki was sitting up against Jay, playing a game on his phone while also secretly watching whatever Jay was doing on his own phone. Jungwon was sitting upside down in the middle of the couch, his head hanging just above the floor and his legs hanging over the back of the couch. His phone hung lazily in his hands while he watched a video. It was a personal and private scene, one that only the seven guys were privy to seeing. Sunghoon would not trade any of his members for anyone different. Even Sunoo, no matter how sassy he could be. Sunghoon and Sunoo settled down in the arm chair, the younger having no problem plopping down on his hyung's lap and resting his head against Sunghoon's chest. 

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