His Name Is Husk

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As Amelia ran through the streets of the city, she looked for any place that might host a good spot to sleep. She didn't want a place where she was seen or a place where she didn't have easy access to.

She saw a small shop titled, COATS AND CLOTHES. On the window of it stood a thin, black coat with a hood. It seemed too expensive for Amelia to buy and she didn't want to be seen by anymore demons. She quietly slipped into the store and grabbed the coat.

She rushed out the door and into an alleyway. She put the coat on, pulling the hood over her head. She walked back onto the street and no demon paid her any attention. Perfect. She was hidden in plain sight.

She needed to find a way back to her home. She couldn't stay here for long, Acel would get mad. She approached a casino and figured she could get some money out of it. Demons were cruel so if she wanted information to leave hell, it was through greed.

As she entered the building, she noticed it wasn't any average casino. It was very nice. Out of all the things she's seen in hell, this was the nicest building.

It had multiple tables with extravagant patterns. The lights were at a dim volume, glowing just slightly against the normal light of day. The alcohol beverages were colorful and eye appealing. They were the best thing in here. Amelia was an alcoholic (when she was allowed to have some). It was an addiction and seeing so many drinks all at once, fueled that.

She tried not to look at the drinks, feeling herself fall to temptation. She instead looked at a table. There was only one individual there. The cat demon with red wings. He helped her. Maybe he can help her now.

She quickly walked to the table the cat demon was sat at. He was shuffling chips around, organizing them until someone sat across from him.

"You here, to gamble?" He asked using his poker face.

"No. No, I need your help." Amelia said quietly. She lifted her hood a little off her face so that he could take a good look at her.

"Shit." He grumbled and reached over to pull her hood down. "I can't help you." He quickly said.

"You didn't even let me finish." She said.

"I just can't." He said.

"Every demon in hell seems to want a piece of me for who knows what. You're the only one who doesn't want that." She explained. "Why?"

"Because everyone's so obsessed with you." He whispered. "I don't need that many problems as an overlord."

"Overlord?" She questioned.

"Powerful demons. They make deals for souls to become even more powerful." He quickly explained.

"Exactly." Amelia said.

"Exactly what?" The demon asked.

"You're powerful." She said. "You can get me home."

"Definitely not." He argued. "That's a Lucifer problem."

"Yeah, well, I don't think he's the best option." Amelia chuckled awkwardly.

"Well, you can't get out of here then." He said. "Lucifer's the only one who has enough power to do that. No one else. You're stuck."

The sat in silence after that. The male demon looked at her in thought. And Amelia looked off to the side waiting for him to say something. It was an uncomfortable silence. Then Amelia got an idea.

"Let's make a deal." She said looking into his eyes.

"I'm sorry." He was so shocked he almost knocked over the alcoholic beverage next to him.

"Let's make a deal." She repeated. "I'll give you my soul and in return, you protect me."

"What do you mean, 'protect' you? Protect you from what?" He asked.

"You said there's no way out of here." She explained. "You're right, so I'll have to live with that. But I need you to protect me from other demons."

"You're just... okay with being stuck in hell?" He asked her.

He knew she wasn't being hopeful about her situation. She was terrified of it, he saw it in her eyes. The demon's question was, 'what was at home that scared her enough to want to stay here?'

He looked in her eyes in thought. Then he looked at her swollen and bruised right eye. He moved his eyes to her right arm. There were some bones that didn't seem to be in the right place. The demon slowly grabbed her right arm and she let him. It made her bite her lip in pain and he noticed it.

"What happened?" He asked with no emotion. He still held his poker face.

"I fell." She said ripping her arm away from his.

"Down a five story building?" He sarcastically asked, trying to prove his point that falling won't do shit.

"Down the sidewalk." She was a horrible liar.

He only rolled his eyes at her answers.

"Just make the deal with me, please." She begged. She didn't want to be hurt any longer.

"You give me your soul..." he moved the chips in front of him and off to the side. "And all I have to do is protect you during your time down here." He clarified.

"Yes." Was all she said, ready to make the deal.

"A soul is a hefty price." He said. "Are you sure?" He loved taking souls but seeing someone so young and alive, made him rethink.

"Yes." She repeated.

He looked at her, deep in thought. He wondered if he should take this deal. She was a human who had the rest of her life. If she sold her soul she might not end up in Heaven when she dies. At the same time, she needed help. She was desperate. He was a demon, that didn't mean he was cruel. He still cared.

"Deal." He said.

He held out his left hand and an orange glow formed around it. She took his hand and shook it with her own.

Suddenly, orange chains wrapped around her throat and wrists to hold her in place. A contract appeared in front of her with the terms of agreement. Her name was already signed at the bottom.

"This is the soul contract you signed." He said to her. "Don't worry about it because you can't go back now." Was all he said and the contract, along with the chains, disappeared.

She sat in silence, the cat demon watching her every move. He watched how she would fiddle with her thumbs in nervousness, or how her right eye would twitch in pain, and how she kept moving her leg uncomfortably.

"You're a lefty?" She joked, noting how he used his left arm to shake for the deal.

"No." Husk replied. "I just figured that you didn't want to use your right hand."

They sat in silence for a longer time.

"I never got your name." She said quietly. "Mine's Amelia."

The demon looked at her for a minute.

"Husk." He said.

Hazbin Hell (Various HH x Human!OC)Where stories live. Discover now