The beginning

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Third person:

Scott and Wallace met in college. They only took one class together but Wallace ended up sitting next to Scott so they ended up becoming friends. They would usually just go over to each other's houses and play games. This night though, they decided to go out to a bar
"I've never been this dr-drunk in my life" Scott barely says.
"Same, mind if I crash at your place?" Wallace asks.
"Sure, my parents are out of town and my sister is at her friend's house so the house is completely free." Scott answers.
"Cool" Wallace responds.
They get to Scott's house and go up to his room. Scott is so drunk and tired that he can't even get to his bed. He instead rests his head on Wallace's shoulder and wraps his arms around him.
"Scott, I think you need to move buddy. Your bed is literally five feet away and this is awkward." Wallace suggests while blushing a light shade of pink across his cheeks.
" B-but I'm so... tired... mm." Scott complains barely before falling asleep one second later.
Wallace should probably tell Scott to move but he doesn't want to wake him up. He also doesn't want to move from this position.
Wallace sighs before saying, "Let's get to the bed" Wallace barely whispers.
They move to the bed and Wallace lays down with Scott still holding onto him. He could most likely move Scott's body away from him but he really doesn't want to. Instead, he kinda wants to kiss him.
Wallace moves a little so his face is close to Scott's face. Wallace thinks for a while. He doesn't want Scott to wake up but he really wants to kiss the sleeping male next to him. So he decides to peck him on the cheek.
Wallace does. One little spark or two comes out of the air. " Sparks?" Wallace whispers.
Scott stirs a little before saying, "Huh? What just happened?" Scott says half asleep.
Wallace starts to internally freak out but Scott doesn't need to know that. "Uh, you probably just felt the wind."
"Sparks, I swore I just felt sparks for some reason..." Scott says before falling back asleep.
Wallace freaks out. He thinks why would he do that and why was their sparks???
Wallace has no clue and tries to fall asleep without thinking about the kiss but can't since Scott is literally holding him while he sleeps.
The morning comes around and Wallace hadn't gotten any sleep. Scott wakes up slowing and realizes he's holding Wallace. Scott quickly pulls away with his face a dark pink. " Sorry" Scott says.
" Umm it's ok, I'll go cook breakfast." Wallace says. He doesn't end up telling Scott about the kiss that day, or the next, or for years. Scott doesn't need to know that Wallace likes him.

Hiii, sorry for this being a short chapter. The other chapters are going to be in their povs but I just needed to set up the beginning lol.I'm mainly writing this fanfic since there's not much of them. If you have any suggestions for my writing or the story. Please tell me!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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