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" clear sky, nice weather " i paused as i looked to the sky and took a breath. " its just perfect  for today's mission" i continued as i turned my gaze to the banner in front of me " sunbaenim hello" some girls greeted me with giggles and red cheeks but i didn't pay them any mind. " my mission is to deliver love to people, not the one i love though, i'm just their cupid" i said as a voice called me from behind" hyung the next confession is gonna happen soon so we need to go" the voice said as i turned to see my little brother daniel. " hey dannie where and who?" i asked as he answer my question " a music major student is gonna confess to a med student. " daniel said " where are they take me to them" i said as i made my way to the team. " ok this way hyung " daniel said as followed him " wait jungwon oppa take these" a girl from my team said as she handed me the balloons. " thank you" i said as i walked up to daniel. "they are on the roof of the parking lot" daniel said as i ran towards the campus parking lot, i ran and finally got to the destination. that's when i saw my team mates popped up with balloons and surrounded me with them, i was confused as hell until i saw a hand reached out to me and touched my shoulder. i looked at who it was and i was surprised " hey hey wait " i said in my mind cause it didn't want to come out my mouth." what are you doing?" i thought again as i got cut off by him kissing me on the team mates all screamed about the kiss and let the balloons fly away. 

i decided to start this story until i get ideas for the others

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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