OC Introduction

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Name: Kiyoko

Birthday: January 15, 2034

Age: 11 (Ray's twin)

Shipment Number: 98094

When it comes to smartness, she is on par with Ray and if she seriously studied she could be on Norman's level. However, while Emma is still more athletic than the rest of the quartet, Kiyoko comes to second in terms of athletisim.

The picture above is how I imagine Kiyoko to look like. However, you can imagine how Kiyoko looks like however you want or if you want to do a reader insert, then you can do that too.

Note: This is a rewrite of the tpn story, "Siblings" by @ichigoboii so please check that out if you want. I have gotten permission so I did not copy it. 

Also...luv u ichigo :D

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