3. Different perspectives

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"Evan!" Anna yelled as they trotted through the snow covered forest.

Y/N could barely keep her eyes open, she suddenly started to feel very drowsy.

"Anna.." Y/N whined. "I don't think Evan's gonna be hiding behind one of these trees."

"Well...! I don't know what else to do!" Anna spoke frustratedly.

Y/N mentally groaned but didn't bother to tell Anna to stop.
"Evan it's me Anna, your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer. I'm s-sorry it all my fault."

Y/N reached up to rub Anna's arm, helping to warm her up.
"Y-your Lover, Y/Ns here too." Anna said with a giddy Giggle. Y/N gasped and playfully slapped Anna against her head.

"Now why would you go and say something like that?!"

Anna giggled. "Cause it's trueee" she sang. "I heard him call you gorgeous, no one says that to someone if they don't love them."

Y/N rolled her eyes. "How'd you hear that? You were stuck dancing with that duke."

"Hm." Anna hummed to herself proudly and smugly. "I have a very good sense of hearing, seeing as how often I tried to spy on his and my parent's conversations growing up."

"He's a flirt like that. Don't read to much into it miss,  "I fell in love with a guy I just met."" Now Anna rolled her eyes.

"It's true love. And Evan is not a flirt. He's the most reserved person I know. There's no way on earth he'd flirt with someone."

"Pfft!" Y/N laughed. "Do you know your brother? The only time I've seen him serious is when he was trying to protect you."

"What?" Anna said in confusion.

"What what?"

"Evan doesn't know how to have fun..."

Now Y/N was confused. "You're joking right? Evan's the guys who can put his whole fist in his mouth."

"What?!" Anna shrieked. "You're talking about... my brother..?"

"Yes..?" Y/N nodded slowly. "He's the biggest goof I know."

"No!" Anna said in shock.

"That's surprising to you?" Y/Ns face furrowed. "I'm sorry, have you guys not been living in the same castle?"

"Evans... always been so distant." Anna said sadly. "He turned me away he- he shut me out. He's so.. professional?"

"Really?" Y/N said, coming to a shock. "Every time I visited- he was his happy go lucky self."

"Happy go lucky?!" Anna shrieked. That's not Evan. He actually interacts with you?"

"Well, yeah?"

"...really?" Anna said in awe. They continued on in silence.

They both knew two completely different Evans.

"I'm sorry Anna. I thought you two were close..."

"We used to be." Anna shrugged with a sad sigh. "Until he didn't like me anymore."

"Anna.." Y/N said softly. "Of course he doesn't     not-like  you."

"You sure?" Anna sighed unsurely, coming to a new sadness. "Seems like Evan was more comfortable around you than his own sister."

Y/N pouted sadly. "I'm sure all will be explained once we find him. There's got to be a reason why he shut you out."

"Maybe he didn't trust me with his secret." She frowned.

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