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"She is completely healthy, healthy weight, how's she eating?" The paediatrician asked y/n at Jane's check up.

Georgie was at work, and this was the earliest they could get Jane into the doctor for a check up, so he couldn't make it and y/n had to take her alone.

"Yes, fine she's breast feeding well." Y/n answered, watching Jane as she lay on the table looking up at the ceiling.

"Okay, well I'll book you in for some of her immunisations in 2 weeks." Dr Ferrier, said and walked to her computer across the office.

Y/n picked Jane up off the table, "you did so good, mummy's proud and she loves you so much." She cooed to Jane and kissed her little cheek.

"Whats your full name and date of birth, y/n, so I can add your information as Jane's guardian to her file?" Doctor Ferrier asked, sweetly from where she was sitting at her desk.

"Y/n Jane Marie-Jones, and my date of birth is May 8th 1975." Y/n answered.

"Perfect." Dr Ferrier said, "Recently 18 then?" She asked.

"Yep." Y/n nodded.

Y/n's 18th birthday had come and gone. She didn't do too much, Missy watched Jane whilst Georgie took her out to dinner. He had gifted y/n some flowers and a small jewellery box that when you opened it had a man and a woman dancing and told y/n it was the two of them. It was so cute in her eyes.

Y/n soon left the doctors office and started pushing Jane in her pram to her car.

"You couldn't have waited to fall asleep in the car, could you?" Y/n said to Jane as Jane fell asleep in the pram, meaning y/n would have to wake her up to put her in the car which won't make her happy.

Just as y/n expected Jane woke up and burst into tears as y/n strapped her into her car seat.

"Shhh it's okay, don't worry we will drive in a second." Y/n tried to calm her.

Once y/n started driving Jane was fine as the rocking from the car soothed her and she was able to have a short nape before they reached the Coopers.

Open pulling up, y/n noticed her dad's truck parked outside, thinking it was rather odd but shrugged.

Y/n got Jane out of her car seat, and entered the house.

"I'm home." Sha announced, putting her keys and Jane's baby bag down.

She walked to the living room and there was her dad and George SR, sitting down and drinking beer watching TV.

"Hello, sweetie." Keith jumped up upon seeing her.

"Hey, dad." Y/n said as he hugged her then he said hello to his grand daughter.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"Oh," Keith thought. "I brought a box of your old baby stuff."

He walked across the room and picked the box off the ground in the corner.

"Thought you would wanna keep my, give some to Jane."

"Oh, thanks." Y/n said.

Keith out the box back in the ground and y/n sat with Jane and started going through it.

"Your mummy had these when she was your age." Y/n said pulling her old toys and blankets out, a sense of nostalgia filling her.


Half an hour later, Jane was not happy.

When y/n was shoring her her old toys Jane had gotten upset so y/n took her to Sheldon's room where her and Georgie where sleeping to breast feed her.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now