Chapter 2: May I?

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I stepped outside once she was asleep, I then closed the door and leaned against it. I sighed before mumbling aloud at no one in particular. "This job is going to be the end of me someday."

I acted out of normal. I complimented her, I couldn't help it.

Phoebe has been my client for two years and recently the colors of the world looked more vibrant around her. The more I got to know her, the more I started to admire her. She's ethereal, at some point that was suddenly all she was to me. Just beautiful.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall, taking my time to compose myself. I looked at the ceiling before finally opening my eyes. What am I thinking? I need to start breathing right.

I walked to my room which was in the other side of the hallway from hers. I gotta stop and hold myself together. This isn't right.


I woke up way too early and started making breakfast for the both of us. I was humming a small tone as I cooked. I told the mansion's chef that he can start working at lunch since I'll make breakfast for her myself.

I paused, suddenly putting everything down and leaned on the counter rethinking what I just did. I literally just took the chef's morning job to make her breakfast. I need to snap out of it but I'll continue.

Waffles. The smell of waffles confirmed how hungry I was. Well not too hungry. 

I just finished preparing her plate and waved at a maid to take it to the table to prepare for her, I also started making a fresh pot of strawberry milk for her to drink, she likes strawberry milk.

Yes, I know.

"Good morning, Kiel" There she is, her soft and calm voice. I looked up to where I heard her voice from and there she is smiling.

"You had enough rest?" Just making sure.

She kept that soft smile on her. "I had quite a good slumber." I nodded at her response and she then walks towards the table in her white dress. Yes, almost all her dresses are white.

She sat in her seat, noticing the gracefulness in her movement and I followed after her as soon as I finished making her strawberry milk and gave it to her myself, placing it above her plate. "Here you go, Phoebe." 

She smiled at me. "Thank you, Kiel." My name echoed in my head wearing her voice, I guess I like how she says my name now. I sat in the chair next to her and started eating when she did.

"You cooked today?" She asked before putting a piece of waffle in her mouth, and she does it gracefully as if she had full control of her every move. If it wasn't for the time she tripped over a carpet, I would actually believe what I just thought.

I did. I just nodded.

As we ate together, I couldn't help but take a few glances at her. I guess she really is beautiful. I then finished my breakfast before her. She's slow but it's because of her serenely erect attitude. She was always refined and graceful, always moving in a gentle pace. Makes me think she might be a princess, well she looks like one to me.

I stood up to walk towards the big window beside the table, the whole view outside the mansion in sight. The sun shines brightly as usual, bringing warmth as it touches my skin through the window. "The weather is nice today." I said, the cold temperature with the heat of the sun today balances just right. I then turned to look at her waiting for her response.

She finished her breakfast and looked at me with a smile. She stands up from her seat and walked towards the window with me. "It's an excellent day for a stroll, don't you find?"

That's true, and she needs to get some sun on her after spending almost all her hours inside this mansion. "You know what, that's exactly what I have in mind for today."

"But I have my painting to finish-" 

"You can do that later, time for some morning sun." I cut her off and offered my hand to guide her out but before she can place her hand in mine I pulled away. "You're not wearing gloves today?"

Phoebe wears a pair everyday and I haven't touched her hand without it. Besides, she'll need it outside for the cold temperature as well. She looks down at her hand before she spoke. "I must've forgotten."

A small smile formed the corner of my lips. She forgets.

I looked at a maid and nodded at her, she nodded back in understanding. After a couple minutes, she returned with a pair of white mesh gloves. That won't help with the temperature outside but okay. She hands it to me and walked back to her place, I turned to face Phoebe.. "May I?"

She looked into my eyes for a few moments, and I feel like I could get lost in hers forever. She nodded. I'm glad she trusts me to do this even if it's this simple. I then gently took her hand and slowly pulled the gloves over her fingers. "There." I said in a calm gentle tone and smiled at her, she was beautiful. Always was and I don't want to deny that part anymore.

She returned a smile and I gently took her hand to guide her into the main hallway. We walked side by side to the front door and there I opened the door and held it open for her to go through first and when she exits, I closed it behind us.

The breeze blowing through the garden was very mild, cold but not too cool, balanced enough by the heat of the sun and just right for this walk. I took a deep breath of fresh air, closing my eyes as I take in the warmth of the sun directly on my skin then opened my eyes.

She was walking ahead towards the white roses beside the white wooden pergola that's covered with little vines, her every move always came with gracefulness and it's something I admire about her but I wont admit to myself. Nope. 

"Aren't they exquisite?" She spoke with a smile as she looked at the roses.

"Yes, very much lovely." I responded in a soft tone, yes the roses are lovely..

but I was looking at her.


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