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Chapter Twenty-Three

I t's her voice that I hear first—that sweet voice that soothed and
consoled me when everything came crashing down.
The voice that had made me fall in love with her.
My feet move, my body drawn to the sound that has the ultimate power
over me.
I walk and walk, lulled by the security I find in her soft and melodious
Until I stop.
I see her in the distance. Her body half turned to me, she's gazing at me
with confusion in her eyes. Her features are swathed in darkness and I can
barely make out what she looks like.
But I know her.
I know her heart, and I can see deep into her soul. That's all that matters.
Her looks are inconsequential as I know that her inner beauty shines so
brightly it has the power to feed me like nothing else—revitalize me when
I'm halfway to the grave and infuse power in my limbs when my strength
leaves me.
A smile plays at her lips as she spots me, and she turns—slowly.
I don't even think as I start into a sprint, running to her, needing to have
the physical confirmation that she is with me and this isn't a mirage.
My body makes contact with hers. Skin against skin as a jolt travels
through my body at the divine feeling of being so close to her. As I wrap
my arms around her form, feeling her warmth, a content sigh escapes me.
This is it.

This is heaven.
The scene soon shifts, and before I can blink, I find myself on a bed,
naked and looming over her bare skin. My lips skim over the surface of her
smooth stomach, laying soft kisses as I trail my way down. Her small
whimpers of encouragement are everything I need to make sure I'm doing
everything right.
I dig my fingers into the plush skin of her hips, feeling her soft flesh
molding to my digits. Holding tightly onto her, I let my tongue peek out as I
lick my initial into her skin, searing my possession of her.
"You're mine," I whisper among peppered kisses, the need to own her
growing to an unfulfilled crescendo—make her mine in a way that no one
would dare contest.
"Yes," her breathy voice goes straight to my cock as she urges me lower,
her fingers in my hair as she guides me to her core.
Getting hold of her panties, I tug them down, easily slipping them off
her legs.
It's only when I have her bared before me, her musky scent invading my
nostrils, that I have to wonder how I've lived so far, my entire life flashing
before my eyes and showing me my bleak existence before her.
I lay a chaste kiss to the top of her mound before going lower, parting
her lips with my tongue for the first taste of her.
"Fuck," a low groan escapes me. "Fucking hell," I curse as I dive in,
lapping at her like a madman.
Her sounds are my guide as I learn her pleasure, the goal of her climax
spurring me forward to give it my best.
It's only when she comes with my name on her tongue while mine is
still filled with the flavor of her that I go up for air, gliding up her body and
reaching for a kiss.
"Raf," she whispers as she turns her eyes on me—those hazel eyes that
have no equal in this world.
Her features are brought into focus, a bright new clarity entering my
mind as I peruse every inch of her.
"Noelle," her name is wrenched from my lips as I stare into her more
than perfect face—that work of art that's become right at home haunting my
dreams and making me slowly die with unreleased tension.

She has a dreamy look on her face, her entire skin glistening with sweat
from the exertion, her beauty only enhanced by the look of pure ecstasy on
her face. She's glowing from her pleasure, her eyes hooded as she gazes at
me, her fingers threaded through my hair as she caresses me gently.
"Come to me," she urges and I'm helpless to deny her.
I'm helpless to do anything but lean in, my lips on hers in a culmination
of loss.
Wounding her arms around my neck, she draws me in an intoxicating
embrace, my dick sliding against her wet pussy lips, her moans swallowed
by my mouth as I tease her. Her warmth engulfs me, her arousal dripping
and coating my entire shaft as she arches her back, shifting her hips to
position me at her entrance.
There's only sensation at this point—pure, unadulterated sensation. I
feel her everywhere, my mouth devouring her whole...
As if reaching for air, I gasp, my eyes snapping open as the previous
vision dispels from my mind. Panting, I stare at the ceiling as I squirm
against the heavy chains that hold me to my bed, relief pouring out of me at
the fact that it had been just a dream.
I haven't dishonored Lucero. I haven't tainted her memory by touching
I shouldn't want her. I shouldn't want to do anything with her. Yet the
more I fight this attraction, the more potent it becomes.
We desire what is forbidden to us.
There are no truer words, as evidenced by my current dilemma. I fail to
grasp this maddening dichotomy—the way my body yearns for her, while
my mind abhors her. But no journey is entirely smooth, and it seems my
own road to vengeance will be pebbled with temptation.
I've survived worse though, and if my time in captivity has taught me
anything, it's that there's an infinite quality to human will. One that is only
discovered through sheer hardship.
Yet the allure of her proximity grows more day by day, only augmented
by the fact that she would probably welcome me into her body, her pussy
drenched for me to mercilessly shove my cock inside of her in a brutal
Because I wouldn't be gentle with her.

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