8 - V Is For Victory

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"You know, I never knew there was so much bravado when becoming an overlord." I joked. After about a week,I had a nice little collection of 5 souls, which would make me a minor overlord, which wasn't much, but it was a start. One night, after work, Velvette invited me to the top floor of the tower. She didn't tell me much, but I assumed it was something to do with becoming an overlord.

"Well, normally it's not as special, but we just wanted to do something special for you." Velvette explained.
"Wait, what do you mean, 'we'?" I asked.
"You'll see." Velvette responded with a smile. My suspicions started to form when she said that, and they were confirmed when I opened a door at the end of the hallway to reveal Vox and Valentino standing in the middle of the room.

"Nora, seeing as you're becoming an overlord, we've decided to make you a member of the Vees." Velvette announced, joining her business partners across from me.
"You really mean it?" I exclaimed. I could hardly believe what I was hearing.
"Well, we wouldn't be doing all of this if it wasn't sincere." Vox replied, fixing his collar.
I felt a fizz in my stomach. I'd never thought in a million years I'd be part of the most powerful group of overlords, and yet, here I was.
"Yes! Yes, of course I want to join!" I shouted with joy.

"Although, there is one thing." Valentino revealed. "We're called the Vees for a reason. If you're going to join, you need to change your name to something beginning with V."
I racked my brain for a short while, trying to think of a name. I mean, this was big. I'd always been Nora, and now that was going to be taken away. If I was going to be stripped of my former identity, this needed to be something to represent who I was. All of a sudden, it hit me.


It was perfect. That name represented everything I had gone through. I had fully transitioned from a sinner, the scum of the earth, the lowest of the low, just left to rot at the mercy of the exorcists, to an overlord. I was now towering over the sinners I was once equal with, looking from above. I'd clawed my way from the pit, and emerged victorious. That was it. That was my new name.

"Victory." I confirmed. "I want my new name to be Victory."
"Not bad at all." Velvette remarked. "Right, Voys, you know what to do."
A small robot came forward, holding a tray with four ring boxes on them. Inside there was a silver ring, with a letter V engraved into it.
"You know, we had these made for when we asked...you know who to join. They never got used, so it's cool that we get to use them now." Vox mentioned, slipping the ring onto his index finger.

Once we had all put on our rings, the ceremony could begin. Valentino held his hand out in front of him, his palm facing down. Then Vox did the same, shortly followed by Velvette. With an excited grin, I placed my hand on top of Velvette's, and the V on the ring started to glow a brilliant gold. Similar to when I made my first deal, a gold aura washed over me and the others to signify me becoming part of the Vees.

"Welcome to the Vees, Victory." Vox said. We all got out of the formation, and the others took off their rings. I decided to keep mine on - not only did it look pretty, but it also showed a new milestone in my life.
"You'll be seeing us a lot more often now, Vic." Valentino mentioned, lighting a cigarette. "We've also had a room made for you in the tower. You can move your stuff in tomorrow."
"We'll show you later. But now, we need a picture!" Velvette exclaimed. The four of us huddled in close, and as the sound of the camera went off, I was ready to face my new life as a Vee.

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