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♡ ⠀๋⠀᳝ ୨୧ lady, hear me tonight!⠀๋⠀᳝ ✧

♡ ⠀๋⠀᳝ ୨୧ chapter 2: who is she?⠀๋⠀᳝ ✧

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♡ ⠀๋⠀᳝ ୨୧ chapter 2: who is she?⠀๋⠀᳝ ✧

Bianca woke up in Robby's apartment.
What was she doing there?
Well last night after having dinner at the bar, she had a beer or two.
Or maybe more than two actually.

Bianca got out of Robby's bed.
He must slept in the couch, Bian thought.
When she was going to the kitchen to have breakfast, she heard Robby talking.

─ Yo Robby who are you talking to? You woke me up.
─ Who is she?

In front of Bianca, there was a blonde woman talking to Robby.

─ It's funny that you care.
Robby said.
─ I'm your mother, I always care, honey.
I'm sorry that I got back now from the Maldivas but I promise I won't go away for that long next time.

Oh, that was Robby's mom?
What an introduction, Bianca thought to herself.

─ You always say the same and still never do it.
─ I'm sorry, darling.
Robby's mom caressed his face.

What was Bianca supposed to do now? She was still standing in the kitchen next to Robby like an idiot while he talked to his mom.

─ Well, do you wanna tell me now who is your friend?
Robby's mom asked him.

─ I'm Bianca, but you can call me Bian.
─ You're so pretty! I'm Shannon, Robby's mom. Are you gonna stay here for breakfast?

─ Mom she lives with us now.
Robby said.

Bianca started to feel like she was bothering them and didn't belong there, but where else could she go?

She always asks Robby if he needs help cleaning the apartment, or doing the dishes, or going to the grocery store or with literally anything.

Bianca felt like he was helping her a lot by letting her stay there, with him.
And she wanted Robby to know that she was thankful, so she showed it by caring about him and helping in everything she could.

─ Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't know she was staying.
─ Of course you didn't, you've been away for almost a month.

Okay, now this was uncomfortable.

─ We're going out to have breakfast, we'll be back for dinner.

He was kidding, right? Bian was still in the same clothes that she wore last night and her hair was a mess, she couldn't go out like this.

─ Well, okay. Stay safe both of you.

Shannon told them before Robby grabbed Bianca's arm and dragged her out of the apartment.

Once outside, Bianca and Robby started to walk to the closest café to have breakfast.

─ What was that?
─ What did you want me to do, Bian? Stay there and have breakfast with her as if nothing happened?
─ No, but-
─ Then shut up and let's go.

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Oh this pancakes are gooood.
─ I know, right! I love this place because of the pancakes.

Bianca took her milkshake and realized she didn't have any left.

─ Wait right here, i'm going to fill this up.
─ Okay, but don't take too long or your pancakes won't be here for when you're back!
─ Got it!

When Bianca was filling the cup of her strawberry milkshake, someone bumped into her and almost made her drop everything over her clothes.

─ Oh my god, I'm so sorry!

Bianca looked up and there was a black-haired boy in front of her.
Maybe he was new in town? She didn't remember seeing him before and everyone knew each other in West Valley.

─ It's fine, don't worry. Luckily I didn't spill anything.

─ No, it was my fault, I'm sorry.
I can order you another one if you want.

Why was this random boy being so kind with her?

─ No no no, it's okay, really.
Also, this is so out of topic but, are you new here or something?
It's just that i've never seen you before around here and-

─ Yes, i just moved here!
I'm from Ecuator but I live in Reseda now, my mom said that it was a nice place and we were going to love it but, it's not being that nice so far.

─ Well I've never been there, I'm currently living in my friend's apartment now.

─ Wow that's so cool! I wish I could live with one of my friends too.
Well, I didn't make any friends here yet.

Poor boy, he seems so nice. Bianca thought

─ Now you did.

Bianca and the boy talked for a little more and she found out he was going to West Valley high school.

─ That's sad, my friend and I both go to North Hills, but I think we're moving schools since we had some problems there.

─ You're changing to West Valley?

─ Yep, I think so.

─ That's so cool! At least, now I know that I won't have to be alone all the semester.

─ Oh, I'm sure you would have made some friends anyway, you are so nice.
I have to get going, my friend Robby is waiting for me, but it was nice meeting you.

Bianca started to walk away when the boy shouted at her.

─ Hey, wait! What was your name?

─ Bianca! With a c.

─ Well I'm Miguel, with a m!

─ See you soon, Miguel!

And Miguel watched Bianca walk away, thinking about when will be the next time he could see her again.

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


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𖥻 TELL me if you find any grammar mistake, i didn't read this after i finished writing it cause i don't have too much time to write so i wanted to publish it as soon as i could.

𝒍𝖾𝐞n͟ 2024 !

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