Just Us

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Twilight Sparkle's POV

"Come on!" I giggled.

"I don't wanna go. Those ponies hate me anyway!" Rainbow Dash moaned.

"Well..." I thought aloud. "They were your friends."

"Yes! They were my friends," Rainbow proved.

"You don't me to leave you too, do you?" I teased.

"No," she mumbled.

"Then let's go!" I exited the tree castle, hoping she would follow.

       Minutes later a droopy Rainbow Dash walked out of the crystal tree. She slowly stumbled towards me and looked into my eyes like a sad dog.

"Come on!" I playfully shouted. "We're going to miss the train!"

       As her sky blue coat brushed against my violent coat, I moved closer. I rubbed my face against her check and saw her eyes brighten.

"Hey, uh. Thanks for letting me stay over. I was feeling kinda lonely," she said.

"No problem. I will always have room for yo- one more," I quickly corrected myself in embarrassment.

"You're cute when you blush," she said, stepping a little apart from me to get a good look.

"I'm blushing?" I asked, noticing how stupid that was.

She smiled.

       Rainbow's words whispered in my head. My cheeks were probably getting more red by the second. But hey, what can I say? I get like this around my Dashie.

       One year ago, Rainbow split away from Pinkie Pie, then Rarity, then Applejack, and finally Fluttershy. She lost her friendship with Pinkie Pie because one day, they were joking around and Rainbow Dash accidentally hit Pinkie, knocking her onto Ponyville's busiest road. Rainbow Dash had pulled Pinkie up and saved her from carriage wheels, but Pinkie never forgave her.

       Her friendship with Rarity was over one day, when Rainbow Dash crashed into Rarity's boutique and ruined the best gown ever for a very famous pony. It's not like that sort of thing didn't happen all of the time!

       With Applejack, Rainbow Dash brought an exotic pet she had won at the fair to Sweet Apple Acres. The pet killed almost all of the trees. This wasn't Rainbow's fault either. The small pet had escaped his cage and nopony had ever seen him again anyway. Applejack didn't have any proof that it was the pet, but she was so angry and she took it out on Rainbow.

        And lastly, Fluttershy. This split happened when her most loved and favorite rescued animal died. The animal had struggled so much, only to die shortly after. Fluttershy warmed back up to Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and I, but never again clicked with Rainbow Dash.

"Twilight! Watch it!" Rainbow Dash gently pulled me back. "You were about to run into the train. We're here!"

I smiled at Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash's POV

       Twilight had groan silent after she asked, "I'm blushing?" I worried that I had embarrassed her and made her uncomfortable. I wanted to just stop and huge her... Maybe even go for a kiss.
'No, Rainbow Dash! She's just barely your friend. One slip and this could all be over,' I thought.

       We were getting close to the train station and I could see that Twilight was in deep thought.

"Twilight! Watch it!" I pulled here into my arms. "You were about to run into the train."

She was shocked out of Thought World.

"We're here!" I said with sarcastic excitement.

       She smiled that sweet and adorable smile. I could feel my own cheeks turning from sky blue to strawberry red.

"What?" I asked.

"You're a life-saver, Dash! Thank you!" she replied sweetly.

"Are you kidding I would do-" I started, but got cut off.

"TWILIGHT!" a sharp shriek was let out by a pink pony with bags stuffed with party supplies.

"Pinkie! How are you?" Twilight trotted over to the approaching group of ponies. "I bet you couldn't fit a single sock into those suit cases!"

"I'm a pony! Who needs socks?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Hello, Applejack." Twilight turned to the dirty pony with a dusty cowmare hat on top of her head.

"Why, howdy, Sugercube!" Applejack hugged Twilight and I let out a gag of disgust. "Now, I ain't gotta clue why we are sayin' 'hello' just to say 'good bye' in one minute."

"One minute?! Is that true?" A white-coated and night blue-purple-maned unicorn with tons of bags and suit cases floating beside her rushed to us. "Fluttershy! Hurry! We are going to miss the train! Hi, Twilight. Darling, could you help us?"
'Darling?' I thought with a snap.

"Hello, Rarity. I would gladly help," Twilight said as a moopy Fluttershy tripped and fell towards us. "Hi, Fluttershy."

"Hel... Twi... ight. How... ou?" was all that escaped the pale yellow and pink pegasus.

"I'm fine, thank you," Twilight answered her muffled question.

       This whole time I had been behind Twilight, watching everything and not one of them even seemed to notice me. Now, they bumped past me to get to the train.

"All aboard!" the conductor of the train chimed out.

"We have to go." Rarity rushed Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie up the train steps. "See you in a week!"

"Good bye!" they all sang in unison.
'Yeah. Bye!' I smirked.

"Bye!" Twilight waved.

      Once the train had left the station, I breathed out a sigh of relief and Twilight giggled, her beautiful giggle. Realizing that Twilight had her attention fixed on me, I said, "Well, I haven't seen them in awhile." Twilight's eyes sparkled. "I'm glad I left them."

She giggled again. "Oh, please! You didn't leave them!"

"That annoying bunch of mules!" I joked... sorta.

"You don't have a chance to see them for a whole week!" she mentioned.

       I flew up, above Twi and puffed my hoof to the sky in victory. She flapped her wings and followed me into the sky with a chuckle. I nuzzled her and she allowed me hug her. I held her tight.

This was peaceful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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