Your apperance is diclonius age 45,gender female your eyes are red your hair is pink.You have a split personality and when you see blood you become very angry and kill people and your kind side just says nude.
Your strength Vectors are invisible "hands", telekinetic in nature and origin, which most diclonius possess. They serve Diclonius for protection and, even more often, for attacking people. However, it is believed that in fact the main purpose of vectors is not to kill, but to infect people with the diclonius virus;weapons that manifest as invisible hands (the owners even call them "hands"). In the manga, they seem to just hover around their owner or, in some cases, lie on the ground behind or around them until they are needed.
Hasbin hotel x Elfenlied Lusy reader
ФанфикYou are diclonius, who was in the laboratory, but one day a portal suddenly opened and you got to the Hazbin hotel