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       ♡ ⠀๋⠀᳝ ୨୧ lady, hear me tonight!⠀๋⠀᳝ ✧

                ♡⠀๋⠀᳝ ୨୧  chapter 3:⠀๋⠀᳝ ✧                 west valley high  school

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                ♡⠀๋⠀᳝ ୨୧  chapter 3:⠀๋⠀᳝ ✧
                 west valley high  school

The alarm woke Bianca up.
Great, her first day on a new school.
She got dressed and went to Robby's room to wake him up.

─ Robby, wake up!
─ Just 5 minutes more.
Robby said turning around in his bed.

─ Come on, man! We can't be late on our first day of school.
─ It isn't our first day of school.
─ It is in the West Valley one.

Bianca said while taking a pillow to throw at him.

─ Okay, okay! I'll get dressed.
─ Fine.

Then, Bianca went to the kitchen and had her favourite cookies for breakfast.
She was thinking if Miguel would still remember her.
Maybe he already made friends and didn't want to be friends with her now?

No, stop overthinking, Bianca.
She told herself; since she was young Bianca always used to overthink everything.

What if they don't like me? Am i actually enough? Maybe I should try harder.

Those were things that Bianca used to think when meeting new people, going on a social event or just when being with friends which she knew for her whole life.

And maybe you're thinking, how a girl that looks so confident and seems like she always knows what she's doing, can have this type of thoughts about herself?

Well perhaps, a teenage girl is not always how she seems.

─ I'm ready, let's get going.

Robby appeared at the kitchen and passed Bianca her backpack while he was holding his.

Now, this was going to be a long, long day.

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When they finally arrived, Bianca was scared as fuck.

─ This was a bad idea, let's go to the skatepark.

When she was about to turn around and leave, Robby grabbed her arm.

─ It's okay Bian, I promise I will stay with you all day.

Bianca smiled at him, but still, she was starting to feel nervous and even more scared.

─ Robby I can't do this.
─ Yes you can, just, don't go too far from me, i will have your back all the time.

lady, hear me tonight ! ⋆୨୧˚ 𝒞obra kai.Where stories live. Discover now